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USANews版 - 民主党参议员候选人拒绝回答是否投票给obama
肯塔基州选,共和党大胜,赢得州长位置小黄人外F关键时刻挺身而出保护白人丈夫, “Leave My Husband
VA’s Shinseki vows to stay on the job as calls for his ouster continue搅醒德国人的民族主义?
现在巴马的名字和过街老鼠一样:人人喊打Fact Checking False Claim Obama Budget Plan
CNN: 'Awkward,' 'Not Terrific' Optics for Obama to Golf as Chaos Consumes WorldDartmouth Will Not Allow Stalking Victim to Carry Gun for Self-Defense
Early voting FloridaThanks to Obama, We lost lives
才发现趙錫成不但送女儿给白老头,还倒贴嫖资Reliance on Uncle Sam hits a record
大法官任命:Go Nuclear!美国一军事基地多名女兵被迫当军妓供长官泄欲 (转载)
话题: she话题: obama话题: voted话题: her话题: grimes
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发帖数: 29846
CNN: Grimes 'Inexplicable,' 'Too Scripted,' Looks 'Evasive'
CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Dana Bash and Chief Political Analyst
Gloria Borger criticized Democrat Senate candidate Alison Lundergan Grimes
for her refusal to say whether she voted for President Obama during a
discussion of the 2014 Senate races on CNN’s “Wolf” on Friday.
Anchor Wolf Blitzer wondered, “why can’t she simply say ‘I voted for the
Democrat Barack Obama for president in 2008 and 2012,’ or if she didn't, [
say] ‘I voted for John McCain or Mitt Romney’ or maybe a third-party
candidate. Why can't she answer that question?”
Bash reported “I was there with her, I’ve been there a couple of times,
and tried to ask her, not whether she voted for him, but where she thinks
she's different from him, and she again wouldn't answer specific questions.
So, this is two-fold. One, her problem with Obama, but two, the problem she
has is that she is a little bit too scripted, and too programmed and that
hurts her in a time when she needs to be honest and everybody wants
“Grimes is inexplicable to me. Why she would not just say who she voted for
, and if she voted for President Obama, she can then go on to say, ‘but you
know what, he's disappointed me. These are the mistakes he's made. I'm not
Barack Obama,’ as she said in her ads over and over again. I don't
understand why she won't answer a direct question because it makes her look
evasive and it makes her look hypocritical unless she can say, ‘yes, I
voted for Barack Obama, and here's why that was wrong’” Borger declared.
Bash added, “this again speaks to a broader problem that Democrats have,
particularly Alison Lundergan Grimes, since she's running to unseat a
potential Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. She is running in a state
where President Obama is incredibly unpopular. She's been trying to move
away from him for a long time but she has historically had problems
articulating that.”
1 (共1页)
美国一军事基地多名女兵被迫当军妓供长官泄欲 (转载)CNN: 'Awkward,' 'Not Terrific' Optics for Obama to Golf as Chaos Consumes World
你们这些萎缩男萎缩女节衣缩食存401K,别到时候党和政府没收了(转载)Early voting Florida
看戏剧《纸牌屋》,闲聊现实美国政治(2): 弹劾总统,到底是断尾求生,还是自掘坟墓才发现趙錫成不但送女儿给白老头,还倒贴嫖资
继佐治亚以后,加州沙加缅度掀起对亚裔犯罪热潮大法官任命:Go Nuclear!
肯塔基州选,共和党大胜,赢得州长位置小黄人外F关键时刻挺身而出保护白人丈夫, “Leave My Husband
VA’s Shinseki vows to stay on the job as calls for his ouster continue搅醒德国人的民族主义?
现在巴马的名字和过街老鼠一样:人人喊打Fact Checking False Claim Obama Budget Plan
话题: she话题: obama话题: voted话题: her话题: grimes