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USANews版 - Drone Strike Accidentally Kills Five Afghan Soldiers
Afghan Ambivalence Obama's vacillating Afghan strategyWSJ:美国在阿富汗发现近万亿美元矿藏
Karzai和阿富汗的鸭片贸易Lara Logan: Obama lying
Two American Soldiers Die in Shooting at Afghan Base8 US troops killed in fierce Afghan fighting
Mark Steyn:阿富汗就像“联邦刺激”,只有撒钱但没有目的时代广场的爆炸案说明小布什总统的反恐策略还是正确的.
Reclaiming the Moral Case for AfghanistanArmy: 12 soldiers killed Afghans, mutiliated corpses
Macedonia关闭边境, 拒绝难民入境Krauthammer轰奥巴马
主党参议员要求每年增加2500阿富汗移民痢膊肉的“逻辑”:Fort Hood vs Tuscon shooting
话题: afghan话题: drone话题: strike话题: washington话题: anger
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1458
Five Afghan soldiers were accidentally killed and eight injured in an
overnight American drone operation, an incident that is sure to anger
outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai, even as Western leaders quickly
Regional official Din Mohammad Darwish said "we believe the strike was the
result of poor coordination between the people on the ground and the
operators of the drone." He added, "the area is frequented by insurgents
both foreign and local, and drone strikes are carried out quite often in
that part of Charkh. The [Afghan National Army] outpost was part of the
security belt in the province." Another local leader, Abdul Wali, responded
with more anger, commenting "the coalition knows the location of every
Afghan outpost. How can such incidents happen?"
The accident, one of the deadliest cases of friendly fire in the war's
history, took place at an outpost in Logar Province. The U.S.-led
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) responded to the event by
saying "we value the strong relationship with our Afghan partners, and we
will determine what actions will be taken to ensure incidents like this do
not happen again." NATO said it was an "unfortunate incident," and that it
is looking into what happened.
Military casualties from drone strikes are less common than civilian ones,
although a recent report revised estimates of Afghan soldier death
significantly upward, suggesting that the army suffered more deaths than
previously thought.
Aimal Faizi, a Karzai spokesman, said "we condemn the attack on the Afghan
National Army in Logar. The president has ordered an investigation." The
president has repeatedly condemned casualties from U.S. drone strike, and
the issue has contributed to the chilly relations between Kabul and
Washington. Just last week, the Afghan president, who has refused to sign a
security pact with the U.S. before he leaves office next month, told The
Washington Post that "Afghans died in a war that's not ours." He added an
unfriendly message to Washington, which we think he'd reiterate today : "To
the U.S. government, give them my anger, my extreme anger."
发帖数: 18118
1 (共1页)
痢膊肉的“逻辑”:Fort Hood vs Tuscon shootingMark Steyn:阿富汗就像“联邦刺激”,只有撒钱但没有目的
A Koran, and Free Speech, In FlamesReclaiming the Moral Case for Afghanistan
Re: 奥巴马施政得失 (转载)Macedonia关闭边境, 拒绝难民入境
Pakistan retaliation leaves NATO drivers in limbo主党参议员要求每年增加2500阿富汗移民
Afghan Ambivalence Obama's vacillating Afghan strategyWSJ:美国在阿富汗发现近万亿美元矿藏
Karzai和阿富汗的鸭片贸易Lara Logan: Obama lying
Two American Soldiers Die in Shooting at Afghan Base8 US troops killed in fierce Afghan fighting
话题: afghan话题: drone话题: strike话题: washington话题: anger