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USANews版 - 巴马威武! 5年多点debt就增加了7.2T
巴马不简单,一人之力不到8年就花了8T多US debt to hit proposed ceiling by end-February: Treasury, again?
$3.2万亿债务!US is dead now: U.S. Debt Nears Key Threshold
U.S. Appears Set to Hit Debt Ceiling in January美国联邦政府债务连续5年实现每年增加超过1万亿美元
About national DEBT对奥巴马的FISCAL CLIFF要求, 我老出离愤怒了
日子不好过阿,政府又要借更多的钱啦Obama: Congress Must Increase Debt Ceiling or Else
似乎已达成一致,只是Americans Reject by 61% Obama Demand for Clean Debt Vote
Congress OKs massive spending plan既然在总统眼中,debt ceiling好像每次都必须而且应该提高
话题: debt话题: borrowing话题: congress话题: friday话题: obama
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发帖数: 29846
US to get approximately $17.2T debt limit Friday
February 7, 2014 - 3:05 PM
By ANDREW TAYLOR, Associated Press
WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. government is getting a new borrowing cap Friday
, almost four months after Washington defused October's government shutdown
and debt crisis.
The new cap on borrowing is expected to be about $17.2 trillion. It means
Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew will have to employ bookkeeping maneuvers to
keep the government functioning until Congress further raises the borrowing
Lew warns he has less maneuvering room now than he had last year, when such
"extraordinary measures" bought five months of time for the government to
keep borrowing while at the previous $16.7 trillion debt ceiling.
Lawmakers temporarily suspended the borrowing limit last October in the
agreement to end the shutdown. It will be reset at the total amount of debt
at close of business on Friday.
Treasury's first step to create borrowing room under the new cap is to
temporarily suspend sales of U.S. Treasury securities to state and local
governments. That started Friday at noon.
Lew says Congress must act by the end of the month to avert any possibility
of a first-ever, economy-rattling default on U.S. obligations. Raising the
limit is needed so that the government, which ran a $680 billion deficit
last year, can borrow enough to pay all its bills, including Social Security
benefits, interest payments on the accumulated debt and government salaries
, among others.
After last year's 16-day shutdown and accompanying debt battle, Republicans
controlling the House are no longer interested in a big fight with President
Barack Obama over raising the borrowing cap. Obama knuckled under to GOP
demands in 2011 to pair a $2.1 trillion increase in the debt limit with an
equal amount in spending cuts, mostly to the Pentagon and domestic agency
operating budgets.
But Obama has since refused to negotiate over the debt limit and is
insisting that Congress pass a version without GOP add-ons just as Congress
gave President George W. Bush several "clean" debt limit increases last
Republicans last year gave Obama two debt increases last year with only
modest add-ons, like a provision to force the Senate to pass a budget.
Since GOP leaders like House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio promise to avert a
default — but need Democratic votes to pass any increase in the borrowing
cap — they may have little choice but to pass a clean measure later this
发帖数: 7463
1 (共1页)
美国众议院拒绝奥巴马提升借债额度要求Congress OKs massive spending plan
巴马不简单,一人之力不到8年就花了8T多US debt to hit proposed ceiling by end-February: Treasury, again?
$3.2万亿债务!US is dead now: U.S. Debt Nears Key Threshold
U.S. Appears Set to Hit Debt Ceiling in January美国联邦政府债务连续5年实现每年增加超过1万亿美元
About national DEBT对奥巴马的FISCAL CLIFF要求, 我老出离愤怒了
话题: debt话题: borrowing话题: congress话题: friday话题: obama