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USANews版 - AP Edits ‘Muslim’ Out of Obama’s ‘Muslim Socialist’ WHCD Joke
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话题: muslim话题: obama话题: president话题: ap话题: socialist
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发帖数: 29846
AP Edits ‘Muslim’ Out of Obama’s ‘Muslim Socialist’ WHCD Joke
April 30, 2013 by Warner Todd Huston
In some of its reports on Saturday night’s White House Correspondents
Dinner (WHCD), the Associated Press chose to edit one of President Obama’s
own gags. The AP strangely edited out the word “Muslim” in one of Obama’s
self-referential jokes.
Early in his comments on April 26, President Obama made reference to his
young life with a joke and a visual image projected on the video screen.
The President joked that everyone loves Michelle and mentioned that she has
even appeared on magazine covers. The President said he also appeared on a
magazine cover and showed a humorous mock magazine cover on the video
screens. The faux cover showed the President golfing on the cover of “
Senior Leisure.”
President Obama then said, “These days I look in the mirror and have to
admit, I’m not the strapping young Muslim Socialist that I used to be. Time
passes, you get a little gray.”
This joke must have been too insensitive for the AP in some of its reports,
In one version of the night’s story (as seen at Huffington Post, Time
Magazine, Breitbart Wires, the Ottawa Citizen, and The Columbian to name a
few), the AP’s Bradley Klapper made a little edit to the President’s joke.
“I’m not the strapping young Socialist that I used to be,” the
president remarked, and then recounted his recent 2-for-22 basketball
shooting performance at the White House Easter Egg hunt.
What happened to the word “Muslim”? Apparently it was all too much for the
Interestingly, in other versions of Klapper’s story the word Muslim does
发帖数: 8420
hussein obama himself is a muslim socialist


【在 l****z 的大作中提到】
: AP Edits ‘Muslim’ Out of Obama’s ‘Muslim Socialist’ WHCD Joke
: April 30, 2013 by Warner Todd Huston
: In some of its reports on Saturday night’s White House Correspondents
: Dinner (WHCD), the Associated Press chose to edit one of President Obama’s
: own gags. The AP strangely edited out the word “Muslim” in one of Obama’s
: self-referential jokes.
: Early in his comments on April 26, President Obama made reference to his
: young life with a joke and a visual image projected on the video screen.
: The President joked that everyone loves Michelle and mentioned that she has
: even appeared on magazine covers. The President said he also appeared on a

1 (共1页)
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话题: muslim话题: obama话题: president话题: ap话题: socialist