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White house is re-writing travel ban EOHannity连续两天调戏DEM黑人congressmen
Media Email List第一轮辩论大家都忽略了一个人,前 HP 的 CEO Carly Fiorina。
奥忽悠御用左奴Chris Matthews 拍马不到位被黑兄弟们暴菊msnbc在放公民trump
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Post-debate, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews lapses into panic modeDonald Trump agrees to town hall in Green Bay
话题: matthews话题: his话题: he话题: msnbc话题: boston
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发帖数: 3803
Chris Matthews Is Determined To Find Out Boston Marathon Bomber’s Ethnicity
By Alex Groberman, Thu, April 18, 2013
This has been something of a rough week for Chris Matthews.
On a personal level, he got exposed as nothing more than the loud-mouthed,
flip-flopping political troll that he is when he was forced to cover the
Boston Marathon bombings – something slightly outside of his comfort zone.
Rather than buckling down and doing his best Shep Smith impression, though,
Matthews opted to go full-on reverse Sean Hannity: "It’s filing day for the
federal income tax, which does cause some emotions around the country,
sometimes in the wrong parts of the brain anyway," he suggested, clearly
insinuating that some anti-government, tax-hating nutjob was responsible for
the explosions.
Beyond that, on a professional level, he took a hit along with everyone else
at MSNBC when the network’s opinion-only attitude landed them dead last in
Tuesday’s ratings.
During Thursday's program, Matthews’ streak of unbearable, cringeworthy
awfulness continued when, after photos of the Boston Marathon bombing
suspects were released, his first reaction was to racially profile.
“To be blunt, and not to be getting into political profiling or racial
profiling, but when you look at a picture that we’re looking at now, are
there people in the FBI that can look at that picture, study it
ethnographically and figure what the odds are on a fellow like that being
from different parts of the world, say Yemen or any other parts like that?
Can they figure it out by looking at a picture?”
After 48 hours of everyone, including his own network, blasting media
sources who tried quickly throw a label on the suspects without knowing any
of the facts, Matthews' initial inclination was to do just that. His guests,
ex-FBI agent Don Borrelli and ex-ATF agent James Cavanaugh, tried to steer
him away from that line of questioning, but Matthews wasn’t going to be
“We can do that with DNA now,” he continued. “You or I can go in and find
out where our DNA came from. Can they do that with a face?”
It was just terrible on all levels. Matthews outlived his usefulness at
MSNBC a long time ago, and quite frankly, it’s embarrassing that he and a
guy who actually brings a lot of substance to the table like Chris Hayes
have to share the same network.
发帖数: 7717
no surprise, that's his style
"Yelling over him, talking down to him, cutting him off, putting
words in his mouth, changing the context of events, asking totally open-
ended questions and looking for definitive answers, and the self-righteous,
condescending tone...this Matthews fuck is coming for Bill O'Reilly's title."
1 (共1页)
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Media Email List第一轮辩论大家都忽略了一个人,前 HP 的 CEO Carly Fiorina。
奥忽悠御用左奴Chris Matthews 拍马不到位被黑兄弟们暴菊msnbc在放公民trump
Chris Matthews – Michele Bachmann Video: Are You Hypnotized vs Tingling Legs看了trump的辩论,就一个奸商
话题: matthews话题: his话题: he话题: msnbc话题: boston