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USANews版 - Boy Stops Murder Plot With Gun, Mother Raped, No Na
如果哈桑不是伊斯兰恐怖分子,谁是?穆斯林恐怖分子Nidal Hasan竟然是奥巴马政权移交小组中国家安全项目的一名成员!
Ft. Hood Whitewash参议员指责联邦调查局和军方搞政治正确
早干嘛去了?No, Hasan and Bales Are Not Equivalent
这次是全自动步枪 下次是原子弹 怎么办?共和党议员: 应该允许士兵在基地里面带枪
2008-2014, 佛罗里达40%的杀人案件都是非法移民干的Is claim true? 国新办《美国人权纪录》:美强奸发生率世界第一
加州讨论电邮征税 Tax on EmailDemocracy was raped in California
英国穆斯林开车被警察停下检查,却发现个被绑架的女人。One in three South African men admit to rape, survey finds
必须禁枪啊,这还了得!Obama: rape is rape
话题: barnett话题: jacobson话题: two话题: raped话题: aggravated
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 847
3/8/2013. A Texas boy who watched his sister and mother being
raped during a home invasion by two men who later abandoned a plan to murder
the three victims was able to grab a handgun and send the two individuals
“The incident began about 4:30 a.m. when two men entered the home and held
three residents hostage. During the home invasion, police accused one man,
described only as white, of sexually assaulting two women,” reports the
Galveston County Daily News.
The suspects, subsequently named as 33-year-old Charles Allen Jacobson III
and 56-year-old James Ellis Barnett, then bound the three victims and drove
them to a nearby field. According to police, Jacobson gave Barnett a handgun
and told him to kill the three hostages but Barnett refused.
The two suspects then drove the family back to their home on Anne Drive,
Webster, in order to dispose of evidence. It was at this point that “the
male juvenile victim was able to get free and arm himself with a handgun
which the family had,” said Chief Ray Smiley.
“He then confronted the suspects, who fled the scene”.
Barnett drove away in Jacobson’s pickup truck while Jacobson attempted to
hide in tall grass near a house under construction, but was soon apprehended
by neighbors and police who chased him down. Barnett was later stopped and
arrested after the vehicle was spotted outside a convenience store.
Jacobson faces two counts of aggravated sexual assault and two counts of
aggravated kidnapping, while Barnett was charged with two counts of
aggravated kidnapping and one count of aggravated robbery.
Despite its gravity, the story has received no national media attention
whatsoever, featuring only in local media outlets.
We only discovered the story because Alex Jones was on a family vacation in
Galveston and saw it in the local newspaper. Imagine how many stories
similar to this one occur across the country every week and yet the vast
majority of people never hear about it.
Malik_Nidal says:
March 8, 2013 at 12:42 pm
If this happened in Caleeefornia, the raped mother would be charged with “
wobbler” misdemeanor or felony for allowing a child access to a loaded
1 (共1页)
Obama: rape is rape2008-2014, 佛罗里达40%的杀人案件都是非法移民干的
瑞典大量接受穆斯林移民现已成为西方强奸之都加州讨论电邮征税 Tax on Email
女权主义者:Rape is insensitive, not violent必须禁枪啊,这还了得!
如果哈桑不是伊斯兰恐怖分子,谁是?穆斯林恐怖分子Nidal Hasan竟然是奥巴马政权移交小组中国家安全项目的一名成员!
Ft. Hood Whitewash参议员指责联邦调查局和军方搞政治正确
早干嘛去了?No, Hasan and Bales Are Not Equivalent
这次是全自动步枪 下次是原子弹 怎么办?共和党议员: 应该允许士兵在基地里面带枪
话题: barnett话题: jacobson话题: two话题: raped话题: aggravated