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USANews版 - NYC Occu-Bomb Suspect: Hey, I’m Just a Sportsman or Something
Occupy Wall Street Had A Murderer In Their MidstDeciphering the Occupy Wall Street Movement
War on Women: Mostly Peaceful OWS Thug Rapes Fellow Occupieroccupoopers in the court to support terrorists
So no more free food for freeloaders at OWS kitchen?Missteps by Feds Exposed on Boston Marathon Bombings
OWS要对Black Friday的购物群众和商家发动攻击Convicted Terrorist Worked as Obamacare Navigator in Illinois
OWS的猪崽代表:Joe Therrien, the puppeteer给不懂英文的偷渡客:trump要杀恐怖分子全家
NYU To Offer Class On Occupy Wall Street没什么温和穆斯林
话题: greene话题: he话题: just话题: terrorist话题: nyc
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
by Jammie
This lowlife was busted with enough explosives that police evacuated
buildings in the neighborhood. But if we’re to believe the creep he’s just
some innocent, non-political naif who was just playing around. The sad
thing is most of the media, if they even bother to report that one of their
darling Occupiers is a terrorist, will probably rally around him.
He says he’s a “sportsman” — not a terrorist.
Aaron Greene, who was arrested with his pregnant Dalton School- grad
girlfriend after cops found explosive powder, shotguns, ammo and a “
Terrorist Encyclopedia” in their Greenwich Village apartment, yesterday
told The Post that the bombmaking material was for an “experiment” — not
a terror plot.
“It was a very small amount of experimental fireworks,” Greene, 31,
said at Rikers Island, where he has been held without bail after police
discovered seven grams of explosive powder HMTD in the couple’s West Ninth
Street pad Saturday.
“I was going to take it out in the country and try it out — just an
experiment,” said Greene.
“I’m not involved in any political causes,” said Greene. “I’m a
good person, despite all that’s been said . . . I had no intention of doing
damage or hurting anyone.”
Sure, that’s believable.
But the son of prominent architectural restorer Jeff Greene was
previously sentenced to a year in prison for stabbing a Lower East Side
bouncer in 2005. Last year, he was sentenced to five months in jail after he
and girlfriend Morgan Gliedman, 27, were spotted in a car with heroin
inside, and a Ruger Mini-14 assault rifle in the trunk.
So how is it in Mike Bloomberg’s New York that a guy with a record who’s
busted with heroin and a so-called “assault rifle” only get five months in
jail? Could it be he has some connections?
Meanwhile, ABC News, which rushed to call Aurora shooter James Holmes a Tea
Party member, curiously made no mention of this guy’s association with the
OWS movement. Funny how that works, huh?
1 (共1页)
没什么温和穆斯林OWS要对Black Friday的购物群众和商家发动攻击
Fourth Occu-Bomber Seeks to Withdraw Guilty Plea If He Doesn’t Receive LeniencyOWS的猪崽代表:Joe Therrien, the puppeteer
美国言论自由的边界NYU To Offer Class On Occupy Wall Street
Occupy Wall Street Had A Murderer In Their MidstDeciphering the Occupy Wall Street Movement
War on Women: Mostly Peaceful OWS Thug Rapes Fellow Occupieroccupoopers in the court to support terrorists
So no more free food for freeloaders at OWS kitchen?Missteps by Feds Exposed on Boston Marathon Bombings
话题: greene话题: he话题: just话题: terrorist话题: nyc