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USANews版 - 12月份枪支销售创纪录
Loathsome Democrat Alan Grayson Lost $18 Million in Fraud SchemeDingy Harry’s Career in One Quote: ‘We Are Not Going to Do Anything’
Bruce Willis还是比较有种的CT Democrats Propose 50% Sales Tax on Ammunition
民猪党提出要对firearm多征税Democrats Now Asking for Money If You Support Obama or Something
NY Police Now Confiscating Pro-Second Amendment SignsSenate Democrat: Obama’s Gun Control Proposals ‘Extreme’
疤蟆又开始说梦话: ‘The Truth Is, Our Deficits Are Already Shrinking’News and Not News
Laugh of the Day: ‘President Obama: The Democrats’ Ronald Reagan’Obama: “We Can’t Have Perpetual Campaigns”
In ‘cliff’ talks, Obama on brink of disasterWhy “community organizer” tactics don’t work for the president
Michigan Democrat Senator Reacts to Union Violence: ‘Keep Fighting!’Desperate Democrat: Don’t Use Obama’s IRS Scandal to Score Political Points or Somet
话题: checks话题: record话题: december话题: background话题: gun
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Economic Stimulus: Record Gun Sales in December
by Jammie
Obama, the Democrats and the media should claim responsibility since their
reckless rhetoric about so-called gun control has resulted in record sales
for guns and ammunition.
Record gun sales were recorded in December 2012 with over 2.7 million
background checks being conducted through the FBI’s National Instant Check
System (NICS), the agency said today. For 2012, more background checks were
conducted than any year since 1998.
In December, 2,783,765 total background checks were carried out to
purchase firearms, surpassing the previous record from November 2012 when 2,
006,919 checks were performed.
For the year, 19,592,303 background checks carried out for firearm
purchases–a 19 percent rise from 2011.
Each check doesn’t represent a single gun, just a single background
check transaction.
Good business to be in these days, but you know some scheming Democrats will
be looking to pile massive taxes on guns and ammo purchases if they can’t
confiscate them altogether, which is what they really want to do.
1 (共1页)
Desperate Democrat: Don’t Use Obama’s IRS Scandal to Score Political Points or Somet疤蟆又开始说梦话: ‘The Truth Is, Our Deficits Are Already Shrinking’
Southern Democrats Have an ‘Obama Problem’Laugh of the Day: ‘President Obama: The Democrats’ Ronald Reagan’
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Deranged Democrat Forced Out After Vile Twitter Comments »Michigan Democrat Senator Reacts to Union Violence: ‘Keep Fighting!’
Loathsome Democrat Alan Grayson Lost $18 Million in Fraud SchemeDingy Harry’s Career in One Quote: ‘We Are Not Going to Do Anything’
Bruce Willis还是比较有种的CT Democrats Propose 50% Sales Tax on Ammunition
民猪党提出要对firearm多征税Democrats Now Asking for Money If You Support Obama or Something
NY Police Now Confiscating Pro-Second Amendment SignsSenate Democrat: Obama’s Gun Control Proposals ‘Extreme’
话题: checks话题: record话题: december话题: background话题: gun