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USANews版 - Cliff Diving, Washington Style…
老毕赤破罗西发毒誓与纳税人一起滚下悬崖!Geithner: No deal without higher tax rates on rich (ZT)
In ‘cliff’ talks, Obama on brink of disasterDemocrat-run states hike spending 400% faster than GOP states
Poll shows Romney leading in blue Pennsylvania'Obama Angrily Cut Biden Off'
对奥巴马的FISCAL CLIFF要求, 我老出离愤怒了好文-Hey, Republicans, stop hating on Trump voters
Republicans refuse bank reform床铺GE在加州基本没戏
Stalemate in Hill payroll tax fightShelby很欣慰,Moore没当选
Obama, Boehner square off in payroll tax fightFrom the suburbs of Richmond to the subdivisions of Chicago and even Oklahoma City, an array of dive
Steyn:在加拿大和澳大利亚竞争高技能移民的时候,美国高速引入低技能福利移民Nice Show! Obama and Dem V5!
话题: house话题: would话题: cuts话题: washington
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发帖数: 29846
Susan Ferrechio at The Washington Examiner sumarizes the current state of “
fiscal cliff” negotiations:
The White House on Thursday offered House Republicans a deal that would
raise $1.6 trillion in tax revenue in exchange for $400 billion in spending
cuts that would “come later,” according to a top GOP aide.
Not surprisingly, the deal isn’t sitting well with Republicans. One
called the offer “a joke.”
The deal, which Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner offered in separate
visits with House and Senate leaders on Thursday, also would allow for
nation’s debt limit to increase without any additional cuts or reforms,
something Republicans oppose.
The deal would also include other goodies for the Democrats, such as new
stimulus spending, according to the GOP aide.
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters he was disappointed
in the Geithner offer.
As Charles Krauthammer notes, “Robert E. Lee was offered easier terms at
Appomattox, and he lost the Civil War.” The offer is laughable.
If this is the kind of “negotiating” the Obama administration is planning
on sticking with Republicans (and the country) would be better served
letting the sequestration cuts occur as scheduled and simply walking away.
Doing this behind closed doors isn’t doing anyone any good. It’s time to
pull back the curtain on this clusterf#%k…
发帖数: 29846
White House seeks tax hike now, spending cuts later
The White House on Thursday offered House Republicans a deal that would
raise $1.6 trillion in tax revenue in exchange for $400 billion in spending
cuts that would "come later," according to a top GOP aide.
Not surprisingly, the deal isn't sitting well with Republicans. One called
the offer "a joke."
The deal, which Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner offered in separate
visits with House and Senate leaders on Thursday, also would allow for
nation's debt limit to increase without any additional cuts or reforms,
something Republicans oppose.
The deal would also include other goodies for the Democrats, such as new
stimulus spending, according to the GOP aide.
House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, told reporters he was disappointed in
the Geithner offer.
The Republican aide, familiar with the on-going negotiations on the so-
called fiscal cliff, said that the Obama administration has been offering
only what "amounts to little more than reiterating the president's budget
request - which failed to get a single vote in the House or Senate."
s********[email protected]
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Nice Show! Obama and Dem V5!Republicans refuse bank reform
黄白茶袋子们,你们输得连裤头都没了Stalemate in Hill payroll tax fight
如果丢了众院,让八马一统江湖,可以说共和党惨败Obama, Boehner square off in payroll tax fight
老毕赤破罗西发毒誓与纳税人一起滚下悬崖!Geithner: No deal without higher tax rates on rich (ZT)
In ‘cliff’ talks, Obama on brink of disasterDemocrat-run states hike spending 400% faster than GOP states
Poll shows Romney leading in blue Pennsylvania'Obama Angrily Cut Biden Off'
对奥巴马的FISCAL CLIFF要求, 我老出离愤怒了好文-Hey, Republicans, stop hating on Trump voters
话题: house话题: would话题: cuts话题: washington