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USANews版 - I love bill Clinton
GOP对于流产的态度,十岁被强奸,必须把孩子生下来Abortion is not healthcare…
Obama开始学Clinton逼银行放房贷了Foxnews 是这次民主党预选的媒体大赢家!
GOP = hatred partyWHO IS BARACK OBAMA?
Obama: rape is rapeObama's Foxy Evasions
一条龙服务, 不光避孕要免费,流产也要免费看了Bill O"Reilly对bama的采访了嘛?
Bill Clinton流氓史-强奸19岁少女后被牛津大学开除上周末Obama刚刚采访了O'Reilly
话题: he话题: clinton话题: obama话题: people话题: problem
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2324
Man, we need a president like that. So we really need to get rid of Obama.
Obama has too many agenda of his own.
Watched an interview by bill Reilly, bill Clinton has some interesting ideas.
1. US people refuse to have children, so the illegal immigrants may ease
that problem quite a bit. In 30 - 40 years, USA will have a younger work
force than china if china does not change its one child policy.
2. Cut the spending, cut the tax, especially corporate tax, grow the economy
is the only way to get us out of this
debt mess. Increase tax will reduce tax revenue. After the economy grow,
work to solve the deficit problem, slowly solve the debt problem. And he
does not know why Obama did not take this path.
3. Obamacare is not that bad. He admit there is many ways to solve the
current health insurance problem. 17% of income to insure 84% of people,
while other developed countries spend 12% to insure 100% of people. He
agreed we could have a interstate market for private insurance company to
compete. Of course, he cannot criticize obamacare.
4. He also have a smart way to solve the foreclosure problem, seems very
After watch the interview, I felt Clinton is a very practical president, he
agrees a lot republican idea. Obama is too political. Now he uses bill
Clinton to campaign for him, he is not afraid of comparison? He is not
afraid people realize he is not Clinton?
Romney seems a practical guy too
发帖数: 5610
If the Republican party can split into two parties. One emphasizes on
conservative economic ideas, and one emphasizes on conservative life style.
I would give the conservative economic ideas a chance.
However, since the current Republican party has so many weird extreme people
in it, it is quite difficult to vote for them.
发帖数: 12623
so vote for the one bankrupts the country then.


【在 d*****s 的大作中提到】
: If the Republican party can split into two parties. One emphasizes on
: conservative economic ideas, and one emphasizes on conservative life style.
: I would give the conservative economic ideas a chance.
: However, since the current Republican party has so many weird extreme people
: in it, it is quite difficult to vote for them.

发帖数: 5610
You do not know economics. Romney's economic policy won't differ that much
from Obama's.

【在 t**********3 的大作中提到】
: so vote for the one bankrupts the country then.
: .
: people

发帖数: 3056


【在 d*****s 的大作中提到】
: You do not know economics. Romney's economic policy won't differ that much
: from Obama's.

发帖数: 16778
Yes, I support abortion and homosex.

【在 g******s 的大作中提到】
: 如果经济政策没有区别,那就问你自己,你支持堕胎和同性恋么?
: much

发帖数: 3158
as longs as they dont cost tax payers' money
who cares 堕胎和同性恋
if some people want to eat shit and dont ask tax payer's money
to deliver shit to them, they have every right to eat it at home.
GOP is for small government so it should not ask the government
to regulate people's personal lives.

【在 g******s 的大作中提到】
: 如果经济政策没有区别,那就问你自己,你支持堕胎和同性恋么?
: much

发帖数: 2324
Yea, I also think GOP sometimes goes too far.
Abortion, Homosex, just leave them alone!
The left and right both go to far.
The Left wants the government to pay for abortion, and legalize same sex
The Right wants to ban abortion and gay/lesbien. That stupid senator even
said Raping/pregnancy is GOD's intent. This guy is nuts to mention GOD in a
Why do we have so many extreme people? They are both dangerous.
I say, leave everybody alone, let them do whatever they want to do, as long
as they don't harm others. I guess the "far left and far right" won't agree.
But over economy, I vote for Romney.

【在 G***G 的大作中提到】
: Yes, I support abortion and homosex.
1 (共1页)
上周末Obama刚刚采访了O'ReillyGOP = hatred party
老太认错了Obama: rape is rape
O'Reilly Talking Points - Clinton Vs Trump一条龙服务, 不光避孕要免费,流产也要免费
O'Reilly Trump Video - Clinton EmailBill Clinton流氓史-强奸19岁少女后被牛津大学开除
GOP对于流产的态度,十岁被强奸,必须把孩子生下来Abortion is not healthcare…
Obama开始学Clinton逼银行放房贷了Foxnews 是这次民主党预选的媒体大赢家!
话题: he话题: clinton话题: obama话题: people话题: problem