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USANews版 - Tuesday’s GOP Schedule: Chris Christie, Ann Romney
Wednesday’s GOP Convention Schedule: Ryan, Rice不要动不动就给gop扣上种族的帽子
新的Iowa poll这个版的人,真的应该好好反思一下自己
Team Obama Preening, Romney Camp Eye-Rolling, Frayed Nerves For Both现在最担心的是Rubio 他就是共和党当权者的Puppy
老太认错了Santorum endorses Rubio
非法移民住政府资助屋的代表人物Rick Santorum就是个无业游民
GOP Hopefuls Say Let Europe Solve Debt on Its Own卢比奥绝对是GOP里的极左
Magazine: Gingrich could cost GOP the White Houserubio mock trump twitter 还挺有意思的
GOP has last debate before IowaGOP official: The party chooses the nominee, not the voters
话题: romney话题: gov话题: gop话题: mr话题: university
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
Here is a guide to the first big day of the Republican National Convention
in Tampa, Fla.
2 p.m. Session
Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee
Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn.
The Democrat is hoping to sell Tampa as a big-league city.
Roll call for nomination of U.S. president.
Roll call for nomination of U.S. vice president
These roll calls will officially make Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan the party’s
7 p.m.
House Speaker John Boehner
Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum
Mr. Santorum was Mr. Romney’s fiercest rival in the primaries, with a
strong appeal to working class voters and evangelical Christians.
8 p.m.
U.S. Sen. Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire
Once seen as potential vice presidential pick; she is among Mr. Romney’s
most active surrogates.
Ohio Gov. John Kasich
The never-shy governor of one of the most critical swing states is presiding
over a healthy economic recovery. Voters defeated his efforts to enact
reforms similar to what Gov. Scott Walker passed in Wisconsin.
Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin
Rising star, strong conservative credentials.
Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell
Once viewed as a front-runner for the VP slot but his chances were likely
derailed by a state measure requiring invasive ultrasounds for women seeking
an abortion, an issue that drew national attention. He remains a regular
surrogate for Mr. Romney.
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker
Gov. Walker recently survived a recall vote after pushing to curtail the
collective borrowing rights of government workers – making him one of the
most well-known and polarizing GOP governors in the country.
9 p.m.
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval
Supported Rick Perry’s unsuccessful run for the GOP nomination; a political
South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley
Known as a feisty speaker, the first-term South Carolina governor rode the
tea-party wave to victory in 2010. Her popularity has slid since then.
10 p.m. Headliners
Ann Romney
First lady of Massachusetts while Mitt Romney was governor, 2003-07.
Born: April 16, 1949; raised in Bloomfield Hills, Mich.
Married: High-school sweetheart Mitt Romney in 1968. Mother of five sons.
Education: B.A., French, Brigham Young University, 1975.
Notable facts: Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998. Diagnosed with
breast cancer in 2008; treated with surgery. Accomplished equestrian and co-
owner of a horse that competed in the 2012 London Olympics.
Lucé Vela Fortuño
First lady of Puerto Rico since 2009, when her husband, Luis Fortuño,
became governor.
Born: 1961
Married: 1984. Mother of triplets.
Education: B.A., communications and French, Goucher College; J.D., Inter-
American University of Puerto Rico School of Law.
Notable facts:Worked as a lawyer for Martinez Odell & Calabria. In 2000,
established her own private practice. Her selection is seen as a reflection
of the GOP’s desire to reach out to women and Hispanic voters.
Chris Christie
Governor of New Jersey since 2010.
Born: Sept. 6, 1962, in Newark, N.J.
Married: 1986. Father of four.
Education: B.A., political science, University of Delaware; J.D., Seton Hall
University School of Law.
Notable facts: U.S. attorney for the district of New Jersey, 2002-08. His
election as governor was the first Republican statewide victory in 12 years.
Considered running for president in 2012, but endorsed Mr. Romney after
deciding not to run.
1 (共1页)
GOP official: The party chooses the nominee, not the voters非法移民住政府资助屋的代表人物
Santorum: GOP United Behind ‘Economic Populist’GOP Hopefuls Say Let Europe Solve Debt on Its Own
Bloomberg is going to be the next president of USAMagazine: Gingrich could cost GOP the White House
共和党也这个操行GOP has last debate before Iowa
Wednesday’s GOP Convention Schedule: Ryan, Rice不要动不动就给gop扣上种族的帽子
新的Iowa poll这个版的人,真的应该好好反思一下自己
Team Obama Preening, Romney Camp Eye-Rolling, Frayed Nerves For Both现在最担心的是Rubio 他就是共和党当权者的Puppy
老太认错了Santorum endorses Rubio
话题: romney话题: gov话题: gop话题: mr话题: university