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USANews版 - Good Guys Turn Tables on Chicago’s Anti-Gun Rulers
Judge scraps Chicago's ban on retail gun shops奴隶制时黑人也没死这么多,芝加哥八月死了92个黑人
VA州议会否决了assault rifle ban和high capacity mag ban (转载)献给川粉: Do you hear the people sing 快乐版
Rubio endorser struggles to name Rubio accomplishments占领华尔街:让一部分群众先腐败起来
给trump过多的捐款被退了What You Can and Can't Do During the Government Shutdown
ruler 侯赛因,你和米雪儿过得还好吗?纽约时报承认老百姓宁愿付罚款也不加入巴马care
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话题: guns话题: chicago话题: gun话题: boch话题: said
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发帖数: 29846
Finally, a feel-good story out of moonbattery-addled Chicago. Recently the
city collected 5,500 guns during a buyback program, handing out $100
MasterCard gift cards for every gun ($10 for BB guns and replicas)…
Sixty of the guns and several BB guns were turned in by the Champaign-
based Guns Save Life. In return, the group received $6,240 in gift cards,
said John Boch, president of the group. …
Most of the money will go toward buying ammunition for an NRA youth camp
in Bloomington. The rest will pay for four bolt-action rifles that will be
given away to campers.
“This was rusty, non-firing junk that we turned in,” Boch said. “We
are redirecting funds from people who would work against the private
ownership of firearms to help introduce the next generation to shooting
safely and responsibly.”
Bwahaha! But unfortunately not everyone who exploits the staggering
stupidity of gun buybacks has such noble motives.
Todd Vandermyde, the NRA’s chief lobbyist in Illinois, … said he was
told one suburban gun dealer imported junk rifles for less than $50 each and
received $100 gift cards for each of them.
Elsewhere, con “artists” have turned in homemade zip guns to get the
taxpayer cash.
As for the possibility of the program accomplishing anything other than to
waste taxpayer money,
Boch said he doesn’t think the crooks who have pushed the number of
Chicago’s homicides to 38 percent over last year’s total are the ones
handing over their weapons.
“If you were a criminal, you would be a fool to go there with the
police presence,” he said. “What criminal would turn in the tool he uses
to do his trade for a $100 card?”
But with government programs, it’s only the do-gooder intentions that count
, not the easily predictable detrimental results.
1 (共1页)
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Judge scraps Chicago's ban on retail gun shops奴隶制时黑人也没死这么多,芝加哥八月死了92个黑人
VA州议会否决了assault rifle ban和high capacity mag ban (转载)献给川粉: Do you hear the people sing 快乐版
Rubio endorser struggles to name Rubio accomplishments占领华尔街:让一部分群众先腐败起来
给trump过多的捐款被退了What You Can and Can't Do During the Government Shutdown
话题: guns话题: chicago话题: gun话题: boch话题: said