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USANews版 - GOP candidates: Bashing judges, threatening democracy
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联邦上诉法院要求奥巴马的司法部解释trump任命了十个保守federal judges
这是一个振奋人心的消息!Trump’s Excellent Judges
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我觉得床铺见普丁搞砸了Dreamers 要完蛋了
哈哈哈 民主党果然开始喊impeach Trump了联邦法官竟然把美国宪法和独立宣言搞混了
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话题: court话题: judges话题: federal话题: supreme
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发帖数: 2273
GOP candidates: Bashing judges, threatening democracy
Americans should flatly reject rhetoric by Republican presidential
candidates and remember that an independent judiciary enforcing the
Constitution is crucial to our democracy.
December 20, 2011
The attack on the federal judiciary by Republican candidates for president
has reached a new low and should be denounced by liberals and conservatives
alike. In November, Texas Gov. Rick Perry announced that if elected
president, his "appointees to the federal bench will not receive a lifetime
appointment."Now Newt Gingrich has pledged that if he were elected he would
defy Supreme Court rulings with which he disagreed and that judicial review
to ensure that the government complies with the Constitution has been "
grossly overstated."
In Thursday's debate in Iowa and in a media conference call on Saturday,
Gingrich declared that courts are forcing us into a constitutional crisis
because of their "arrogant overreach." He repeatedly blasted federal judges
for imposing "elitist opinions" on the rest of the country. He has called
for impeaching judges, abolishing judgeships and even eliminating courts
whose rulings he dislikes.
It is tempting to dismiss all of this as just overblown political rhetoric.
Bashing "liberal" judges has been a staple for Republican presidential
candidates at least since Richard Nixon ran in 1968 with a campaign against
the Warren court. It is ironic that conservatives continue with such attacks
even as there is a conservative majority on the Supreme Court and its
rulings overall are far more to the liking of conservatives than liberals.
For example, in recent years, the high court has handed George W. Bush the
presidency, greatly expanded the rights of gun owners under the 2nd
Amendment, limited abortion rights and found in favor of corporations
spending unlimited amounts of money in election campaigns. And most of the
federal district court and court of appeals judges today were appointed by
Republican presidents.
But there is a difference to this year's political rhetoric about the courts
Constitution and American history.
Gingrich, for example, has called federal judges "anti-American" and "
grotesquely dictatorial." And both Gingrich and Rick Santorum have talked
about abolishing the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit. Santorum
said that he would "sign a bill tomorrow to eliminate the 9th Circuit,"
adding, "That court is rogue. It's a pox on the western part of our country.
" I don't recall prominent candidates for presidential nominations —
Democratic or Republican — ever talking in such tones.
Perry has said that he wants to abolish lifetime tenure for federal judges.
However, Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution provides that the
justices of the Supreme Court and the lower federal courts have life tenure
unless they are impeached and removed from office.
Gingrich also has explicitly raised the possibility of impeaching judges,
but Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution allows impeachment only for "
treason, bribery, and high crimes and misdemeanors." It does not allow, and
never has been used, to remove judges because their opinions are unpopular.
Life tenure for federal judges exists precisely so that they will decide
cases based on their best understanding of the Constitution and the law, not
to please politicians and voters.
The power of federal courts to declare executive and legislative acts
unconstitutional, which Gingrich and other candidates question, has existed
throughout American history. In 1803, in Marbury vs. Madison, the court
declared that "it is the province and duty of the judicial department to say
what the law is." Rarely in all of American history has any president
defied a Supreme Court ruling.
At the very least, these candidates do a disservice to the American people
when they are clearly wrong about the Constitution. But beyond their
miseducating the public, the substance of their comments is truly
frightening. They apparently reject the very notion of judicial independence.
They also seem to reject the idea of the rule of law and the need for
judicial review to enforce the Constitution. In Marbury, the Supreme Court
also explained that the limits of the Constitution are meaningless unless
there is a judiciary to enforce it.
Perhaps these attacks on the federal judiciary are just part of the
exceptionally poisonous rhetoric of these divisive times. But it is scary to
think of the possibility of a president who largely rejects judicial review
, gives no apparent importance to judicial independence, pledges to defy
Supreme Court rulings or wants to remove federal judges based on
disagreement with their rulings. And yet these are changes that candidate
after candidate in the Republican race has been talking about.
Americans across the political spectrum should condemn such rhetoric and
remember that an independent judiciary enforcing the Constitution is a
crucial feature of American democracy.
Erwin Chemerinsky is dean of the UC Irvine School of Law.
Copyright © 2011, Los Angeles Times
1 (共1页)
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Judge Rejects Health Law###此帖已应当事人要求删除###
联邦上诉法院要求奥巴马的司法部解释trump任命了十个保守federal judges
这是一个振奋人心的消息!Trump’s Excellent Judges
udicial Watch列出2011年华盛顿10大腐败政客Constitutional crisis时美军可以合法逮捕叛国总统
话题: court话题: judges话题: federal话题: supreme