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USANews版 - Crony capitalism and smallpox
佩林轰奥巴马治下的裙带资本主义盛行Conway: we are behind
Trump和喜姐酒吧里的对话自从钢铝贸易关税开始 床铺的支持率一路暴涨啊
Housing Meltdown June 21, 2009Democrat-run states hike spending 400% faster than GOP states
佩林轰奥巴马借人造全球暖化歇斯底里大搞裙带资本主义Democrats (Heart) Socialism
2012: It's Bain Capital vs. Obama CapitalYear one, ObamaCare report card shows health care costs rising
Venture Capitalism not Crony Capitalism11 Solyndras Filed or are filing bankruptcy
Longtime Ohio Democrat Backs Romney。全国人民为加州非移买单
Democrat Consultant: Obama’s White House is Incompetent Like Carter無聊透頂的NBC
话题: smallpox话题: crony话题: saturday话题: story话题: capitalism
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
When even the L.A. Times starts reporting on government expenditures which
appear to be the direction of millions (or hundreds of millions) of taxpayer
dollars to companies in bed with Democrat donors, you know that such
corruption is a story not going away anytime soon.
This it is with Saturday’s article (I know it’s date says Sunday, but I
promise you I read it on Saturday) entitled “Cost, need questioned in $433-
million smallpox drug deal which explains that “a company controlled by a
longtime [Democratic] political donor gets a no-bid contract to supply an
experimental remedy for a threat that may not exist.”
The story reads like a pharmaceutical version of Solyndra. If you’re angry
at the behavior of the Obama administration, this will make you angrier. If
you’re not already angry at our government, then you’re probably the
president of a public sector union or a radical environmentalist group, and
thus beyond reasoning with.
发帖数: 49
1 (共1页)
無聊透頂的NBC2012: It's Bain Capital vs. Obama Capital
Pew Research: Republican 44% Democrat 48% (转载)Venture Capitalism not Crony Capitalism
左棍要禁烟花Longtime Ohio Democrat Backs Romney。
Dennis Prager:加利福尼亚选民和泰坦尼克号乘客的区别在哪Democrat Consultant: Obama’s White House is Incompetent Like Carter
佩林轰奥巴马治下的裙带资本主义盛行Conway: we are behind
Trump和喜姐酒吧里的对话自从钢铝贸易关税开始 床铺的支持率一路暴涨啊
Housing Meltdown June 21, 2009Democrat-run states hike spending 400% faster than GOP states
佩林轰奥巴马借人造全球暖化歇斯底里大搞裙带资本主义Democrats (Heart) Socialism
话题: smallpox话题: crony话题: saturday话题: story话题: capitalism