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USANews版 - 发电厂也怕停电?加州停电,导致核电厂停产
拉斯维加斯死的很多是加州去的25个最差的Job Markets。
关于奥巴马和伊拉克腐败官员关系的疑问it would be all deficit spending,肯尼迪二世来了
绿! 西班牙太阳能发电厂夜晚发电,因为用了柴油发电机,以骗取政府补贴$2,993, our tax money pelosi used to buy her own flower
[转贴]查韦斯耍赖 中国损失惨重Calif. picks 1st openly gay Assembly speaker
所以说 在美国有钱就可以当总统加州破产,居民打911报警要交300美元每人次 (转载)
美国学霸算账 电动车vs燃油车 结果震惊Court halts Calif gay marriages pending appeal (转载)
话题: plant话题: county话题: california话题: power话题: outage
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发帖数: 29846
Power Outage Puts Calif. Nuclear Plant Offline
Thursday, 08 Sep 2011 09:29 PM
SAN CLEMENTE, Calif. — The San Onofre nuclear power plant in Southern
California has shut down because of a massive power outage that's affecting
millions in California, Arizona and Mexico.
Charles Coleman, a spokesman for Southern California Edison, said Thursday
that the plant went offline at 3:38 p.m. Pacific as it is supposed to do
when there is an electrical disturbance.
Coleman says there is no danger to any residents or employees at the plant,
but it is not currently generating power.
The larger outage is affecting 500 to 2,000 SoCal Edison customers in
southern Orange County and Riverside County.
Orange County sheriff's spokesman John McDonald says deputies have been
dispatched to major intersections to direct traffic because traffic signals
are out.
There have also been reports of people stuck in elevators.
1 (共1页)
Court halts Calif gay marriages pending appeal (转载)[转贴]查韦斯耍赖 中国损失惨重
8 arrested in Calif. following the Bell Scandal所以说 在美国有钱就可以当总统
看看加州的福利支票都被花哪里了. (转载)跟着中国混,巴基斯坦有肉吃
Calif borrows $40M a day to pay unemployment美国学霸算账 电动车vs燃油车 结果震惊
拉斯维加斯死的很多是加州去的25个最差的Job Markets。
关于奥巴马和伊拉克腐败官员关系的疑问it would be all deficit spending,肯尼迪二世来了
绿! 西班牙太阳能发电厂夜晚发电,因为用了柴油发电机,以骗取政府补贴$2,993, our tax money pelosi used to buy her own flower
话题: plant话题: county话题: california话题: power话题: outage