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USANews版 - 希腊想得到新救助,将不得不让救助方介入收税和私有化
Greece Heads Toward DefaultGuess What Greece Has To Jettison?
Great news from New York希腊的困境马上要见分晓了
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这下好了,希腊也要完蛋了please support "no government bailouts!"
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话题: greece话题: eu话题: imf话题: athens话题: meanwhile
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GREECE: There Are New Emergency Bailout Talks That Could Spell The End Of
National Sovereignty
Joe Weisenthal | May 29, 2011, 9:28 PM | 24,693 | comment 115

Image: Poulopoulos Ioannis, Flickr
Original post: Big news on the Greece front: In order for the country to get
future bailout money, the country will have to give up some sovereignty.
Specifically, according to a bombshell FT report, outside authorities will
take over various functions related to tax collection (a big time problem in
Athens) and privatizations.
None of this is certain yet. It's just what's on the table, and no doubt
politicians in the country will flip out.
But every attempt to cut the deficit has failed so far, and the powers that
be in Europe (EU, ECB, IMF) are adamantly opposed to any kind of debt
restructuring that would trigger a credit event, and imperil European banks.
Meanwhile, there were already huge protests in Athens on Sunday. Things are
moving fast.
Meanwhile, for a look at what does happen if Greece defaults, see John
Mauldin on the subject.
Update: Reuters has more details of fresh, emergency talks happening right
now. A new package could be worth 65 billion from the EU and the IMF.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/greek-bailout-will-require-loss-of-sovereignty-2011-5#ixzz1Ny7ojQgM
1 (共1页)
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Great news from New York希腊的困境马上要见分晓了
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话题: greece话题: eu话题: imf话题: athens话题: meanwhile