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USANews版 - House Prices in Free Fall
Re: 现在知道为什么美国人算术差了 (转载)左棍老是不搞清楚facts, 来看看到底是不是富人越富?
GDP Contracted at 1% Pace in First QuarterBiden Blames High Unemployment on ‘This God-Awful Recession We’ve Inherited’
$3.2万亿债务!Obama's Luxurious Schedule
Lobbyists set spending record in Sacramento就这数据来点理性讨论吧
美国新健保法影响广泛 加州中产明年保费上涨30%Financial recessions don't lead to weak recoveries
好文 SVCA洛杉矶时报投书 Asian Americans would lose out unde (转载)CRA直接造成了高风险房贷
奥巴马在美国医学会杂志(JAMA)发表了科技论文!发给ABC的管理人员的抗议信 (转载)
The Crazily Increasing Wealth of the 1%美国经济衰退的迹象明显
话题: capital话题: gains话题: house话题: prices话题: tax
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
By Howard Richman, Raymond Richman, and Jesse Richman
The latest house price data (the S&P Case-Shiller index) shows a clear
downward trend for the most recent six months, as shown in the graph below:
The next graph shows how this year's data fits in with the long-term trend.
It is clear that the house price bubble, which began in 1997 and peaked in
2006, has not yet finished popping:
How We Got Here
The black stars in the above graph highlight 1951 and 1997, the two years
when Congress changed how the capital gains tax applies to home sales. The
first change produced 46 years of wealth accumulation. The second change
produced 9 years of rising house prices and living beyond our means to be
followed by about 9 years of belt tightening and economic stagnation.
In 1951, Congress, at the urging of President Truman, instituted the roll-
over treatment for taxation of capital gains from home sales, an
economically sound treatment of capital gains. As a result, from 1951
through 1997, whenever a homeowner sold his or her primary residence to buy
another residence, the capital gains tax was deferred, not forgiven. In
technical parlance the gain was rolled-over until the new home was sold.
Homeowners would typically build up their equity in one home, sell that home
, and then use their savings to make a down payment on a larger home. During
that period, there were large changes in interest rates, yet real home
prices were quite stable.
In 1997, a foolish Congress, at the urging of a foolish President Bill
Clinton, eliminated the capital gain tax on homes sold by most homeowners.
This change immediately stimulated the housing price bubble. It told
speculators that the capital gain that they would earn would be tax free if
they bought a house in the expectation of a rise in its market value and
sold it at a higher price. Under the new provision, almost anyone who had
lived in a house for 2 years of the past 5 years could sell the house free
from capital gains tax. The new policy encouraged people to gamble on real
estate. They saw that houses were going up in price year after year. What
an easy way to make money!
Here is how Kenneth Harney (2008) described how the 1997 tax treatment
encouraged speculation in a Washington Post article about Congress's 2008
attempt to tighten its provisions:
[Property owners] can claim the exclusion [from capital gains taxation]
even if they convert an investment property or vacation house into their
principal residence and live there for at least two years. This flexibility
has been a boon to many tax-wise owners of multiple houses -- particularly
during the bubble years when values doubled in some parts of the country.
Property owners in markets with high appreciation rates could sell their
principal residences for hefty profits -- pocketing the first $250,000 or $
500,000 tax-free -- and then move into their rental condo or vacation
property for a couple of years and repeat the process.
In effect, it was a form of financial alchemy where taxable profits
could be magically transmuted into tax-free gains -- at least up to the $250
,000 and $500,000 limits.
The housing price bubble had other contributing factors, but Vernon L. Smith
, a Nobel Prize winning economist largely due to his study of economic
bubbles, held that it was primarily caused by the 1997 legislation. He
pointed out that, at the time it was enacted, the 1997 legislation was quite
popular among the industries that were most severely hurt when the bubble
burst. He wrote, sarcastically:
Thank you President Bill Clinton for your 1997 action, applauded by the
banks, the realtors and all citizens in search of half-millionaire status
from an investment they could understand and self deceptively believe to be
low risk; thank you for fueling the mother of all housing bubbles; thank you
for enabling so many of us who bought second or third homes, and homes
before construction began, which we then sold to someone else who dreamed of
riches from owning homes long enough to sell to another fool.
Smith argued that, instead, Congress should have kept the rollover treatment
for house sales while switching all other capital gains taxes to the
rollover treatment. Specifically:
More daring than the action to exempt real estate from the capital gains
tax -- and in lasting service to the poor -- would have been actions
allowing capital gains on all assets to go tax free, provided that the
capital was reinvested -- i.e., not consumed, and yes, good citizens,
housing counts as consumption.
While house prices were rising, homeowners depleted their savings, leaving
them with less money for a future down payment. Tyler Cowen (2008)
described this psychology in a New York Times commentary:
The fundamental problem in the American economy is that, for years,
people treated rising asset prices as a substitute for personal savings. The
thinking went something like this: As long as your home's value rose every
year, you didn't have to set aside so much from your paycheck....
In fact, people did more than stop adding to their personal savings. They
began subtracting from their personal savings. As documented by Louise
Story in the New York Times, bank advertising campaigns encouraged people to
consider the rising value of their homes to be income, to be consumed in
the present. They urged homeowners to take out second mortgages on their
homes so that they could increase their current consumption and coined the
new term "equity access" to replace "second mortgage." Borrowing on home
equity increased steadily.
Where We are Going
In June 2006, house prices peaked as supply increased faster than demand and
the housing price bubble stopped expanding. Starting early in 2009, the
Federal Reserve, Congress, and the Obama Administration spent hundreds of
billions of dollars trying to keep house prices from falling. They
subsidized first time home buyers, bought mortgage-backed securities,
subsidized mortgage buyers, and took other measures. Apparently, these
subsidies only slowed the fall in house prices.
If current trends continue, real house prices (house prices after
subtracting inflation) will likely lose about a quarter of their real value
over the next 4 years. If inflation continues at about 2%, this would
produce a four year fall in actual house prices of about 4% per year.
It may soon become clear that the Federal Reserve and the federal government
wasted hundreds of billions of dollars simply to delay an inevitable fall
in housing prices. Economic historians may compare their policies to the
pervasive price subsidies that eventually bankrupted the Soviet government.
What We Need to Learn
You'd think that economists would understand what was happening at the time,
but as recently as September 2005, Charles Himmelburg, a senior economist
at the New York Federal Reserve, co-authored a NY Fed staff report and an
NBER working paper which claimed that there was no housing bubble. (You
really have to read this to believe it.)
The truth is that the expected profit from selling an asset only plays a
temporary role in the pricing of an asset. In the long-run, the value of
any asset is the value that the market places on the expected return that it
will provide over its life. As far as stocks and bonds are concerned, the
expected return is the expected after-tax dividend or interest. As far as
houses are concerned, the return is the rental value of the home after
subtracting real estate taxes. (See our book, Trading Away Our Future [
Ideal Taxes Assn, 2008].)
When President Clinton proposed exempting capital gains taxes on sales of
houses, Gene Sperling was the Director of his National Economic Council. On
January 7, President Obama picked him for the same position in his
But the Democrats are not the only ones who seem never to learn from their
mistakes. Back in 1997, congressional Republicans thought that lowering
capital gains taxes encourages investment. They still think so.
The truth is that lowering capital gains tax rates or exempting capital
gains from income taxation encourages speculation and capital consumption,
not investment. On the other hand, switching to the roll-over treatment for
capital gains on sales of houses, or stocks and other securities for that
matter, encourages wealth accumulation.
The authors maintain a blog at www.idealtaxes.com and co-authored the 2008
book Trading Away Our Future: How to Fix Our Government-Driven Trade
Deficits and Faulty Tax System Before it's Too Late, published by Ideal
Taxes Association.
1 (共1页)
美国经济衰退的迹象明显美国新健保法影响广泛 加州中产明年保费上涨30%
加拿大银行承认衰退开始了好文 SVCA洛杉矶时报投书 Asian Americans would lose out unde (转载)
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Re: 现在知道为什么美国人算术差了 (转载)左棍老是不搞清楚facts, 来看看到底是不是富人越富?
GDP Contracted at 1% Pace in First QuarterBiden Blames High Unemployment on ‘This God-Awful Recession We’ve Inherited’
$3.2万亿债务!Obama's Luxurious Schedule
Lobbyists set spending record in Sacramento就这数据来点理性讨论吧
话题: capital话题: gains话题: house话题: prices话题: tax