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USANews版 - 大梦初醒!加拿大多元文化主义模式已经失败了”
异口同声:多元文化主义失败了Muslim Migrants raping the shit out of Canadian children...Canadian media silent, no free press in C
加拿大一市长对穆斯林要求食堂不提供猪肉的回复ARGUMENT Islam Is a Religion of Violence (转载)
Ten Years After 9-11: Two Muslim Women in America加拿大总理这么左啊
巴马说任何宗教都有极端分子, 然后被卡梅伦纠正了加拿大清真寺枪击案系恐袭
University of Texas shutdown due to al qaeda threat爱好和平者必读 - 川普沙国演讲全文
Look at the real leader看看在 DePaul 大学上台抢Milo话筒的黑黑是咋掰扯
美国总统奥粑粑用美国纳税人的钱全球赞助造清真寺Dr. Sowell轰多元文化主义歇斯底里
话题: canada话题: fatah话题: canadian话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 29846
大梦初醒!加拿大穆斯林议会创办人Tarek Fatah:“和英国一样,加拿大多元文化主
A prominent voice in Canada’s Muslim community said British Prime Minister
David Cameron was “spot on” when he insisted British multiculturalism has
And just like Britain, Canada’s will fail, said Muslim Canadian Congress
founder Tarek Fatah.
He said Monday that, like Britain, Canada has been too tolerant in allowing
Muslim immigrants to settle into closed communities, some of which preach
Islamic values and a hatred toward the West.
“The Canadian multicultural model has failed, as the British model has,”
said Fatah. “When first generation (Muslims) are more loyal to Canada than
the second generation, then we have sufficient evidence to say that
multiculturalism has failed.”
Citing the Toronto 18 terrorist plot as an example of the extremism that can
result from ethnic isolation, Fatah said he hoped Canada can “pick up on”
the points Cameron made in a controversial speech on Saturday.
While speaking at a security conference in Germany, Cameron called for an
end to Britain’s “passive tolerance” of divided ethnic communities. He
also said beefing up was needed in the prevention of extremism.
Fatah said Canada’s Liberal and Conservative governments push a tolerant,
passive form of multiculturalism as a way of preserving votes.
“The newcomer finds solace in his or her own community,” said Fatah, “and
when there is states-sponsored multiculturalism, there are people who make
money out of the marginalization of these people.”
Multiculturalism in Canada hasn’t failed, countered Bernie Farber of the
Canadian Jewish Congress. But pockets of younger immigrants — particularly
Muslims — have been slow to integrate into a Canadian way of life.
“(They) are not moving forward as quickly as we did in generations past,”
said Farber. “You can have a large population of Muslims living in one area
, and they have not yet seemed to be able to break out entirely from that
one area and become part of the Canadian fabric.”
1 (共1页)
Dr. Sowell轰多元文化主义歇斯底里巴马说任何宗教都有极端分子, 然后被卡梅伦纠正了
Multiculturalism is against human natureUniversity of Texas shutdown due to al qaeda threat
多年对杀的法塔赫和哈马斯又走到一起了Look at the real leader
巴解申请加入国际犯罪法庭, 然后加入后就被以色列告了美国总统奥粑粑用美国纳税人的钱全球赞助造清真寺
异口同声:多元文化主义失败了Muslim Migrants raping the shit out of Canadian children...Canadian media silent, no free press in C
加拿大一市长对穆斯林要求食堂不提供猪肉的回复ARGUMENT Islam Is a Religion of Violence (转载)
Ten Years After 9-11: Two Muslim Women in America加拿大总理这么左啊
话题: canada话题: fatah话题: canadian话题: said