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USANews版 - 没钱 美国学校一周上课四天 (转载)
Trump被墨西哥总统打脸 (转载)修墙救美国人,也救墨西哥人
听众信箱:美国内阁如何排交椅?flu的好帖:60 percent were American citizens.
Liberals dont want to help the poor.Canada has detained more Mexican refugees in two months th
由墨西哥移民美国历史看移民辩论Don't overestimate obama
Trump would push Mexico to fund wall by blocking money transfers: reportpalin in corn
Way to attack the Mexican judgeBill Clinton: Obama Got Lots of Help on Economic Crisis Res
La Raza 跟 KKK 有啥区别?科学家最新的global warming科研成果:成吉思汗,古今环保第一人.
话题: us话题: china话题: why话题: chinese话题: less
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
【 以下文字转载自 Education 讨论区 】
发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Education
标 题: 没钱 美国学校一周上课四天
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 30 22:17:12 2010, 美东)
VOA Chinese, Mar. 30. 2010.
发帖数: 4354

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Education 讨论区 】
: 发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Education
: 标 题: 没钱 美国学校一周上课四天
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 30 22:17:12 2010, 美东)
: VOA Chinese, Mar. 30. 2010.
: http://www1.voanews.com/chinese/news/US/-More-School-Districts-are-Tryinga-Four-Day-Week-20100330-89557407.html

发帖数: 1257

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Education 讨论区 】
: 发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Education
: 标 题: 没钱 美国学校一周上课四天
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Mar 30 22:17:12 2010, 美东)
: VOA Chinese, Mar. 30. 2010.
: http://www1.voanews.com/chinese/news/US/-More-School-Districts-are-Tryinga-Four-Day-Week-20100330-89557407.html

发帖数: 6973
This morning at an NBC interview, Pres. Obama acknowledged that Social
Security has reached the point that income is lower than payment last year (
or this year), six years before it was thought would happen. Pres. Obama
said that is due to Great Recession--and therefore less tax revenue. We will

【在 d****i 的大作中提到】
: 学校都搞不下去了,整天嚷嚷加福利的还是省省吧。
发帖数: 1257
White House Rehangs Abstract Painting of Social Security Cash Flow After
Discovering It Was Hung Upside Down


【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: This morning at an NBC interview, Pres. Obama acknowledged that Social
: Security has reached the point that income is lower than payment last year (
: or this year), six years before it was thought would happen. Pres. Obama
: said that is due to Great Recession--and therefore less tax revenue. We will
: see.

发帖数: 14069


【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: This morning at an NBC interview, Pres. Obama acknowledged that Social
: Security has reached the point that income is lower than payment last year (
: or this year), six years before it was thought would happen. Pres. Obama
: said that is due to Great Recession--and therefore less tax revenue. We will
: see.

发帖数: 6973
Pres. George W. Bush, while in office, wanted to reform Social Security. ONE
of the reasons was lack of money to pay future retirees. However, he met
stiff resistance and gave up. Nobody knew how to fix it.
What might happen is Americans who retire in subsequent waves will get less
and less social security and eventually nothing back, although they pay when
they are young.
Increasing tax is political suicide in US, although that may be the only way
to solve the issue.
It is a long story, and

【在 Z*****l 的大作中提到】
: 所以又要加税?俺ft
: (
: will

发帖数: 21367
increasing tax cannot solve the problem of SSN
when less and less people willing to born a child
and cultivate him/her into a capable person.


【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: No.
: Pres. George W. Bush, while in office, wanted to reform Social Security. ONE
: of the reasons was lack of money to pay future retirees. However, he met
: stiff resistance and gave up. Nobody knew how to fix it.
: What might happen is Americans who retire in subsequent waves will get less
: and less social security and eventually nothing back, although they pay when
: they are young.
: Increasing tax is political suicide in US, although that may be the only way
: to solve the issue.
: It is a long story, and

发帖数: 6973
You are wrong to make that assumption about US. On the contrary, US will
increase population, the only among developed nations and China. That is why
US is confident that China's GDP as a whole will not surpass that of US. It
is estimated that by 2100 US will more than 400 million--I do not know the
exact number but you can check with Census Bureau's prediction.

【在 c****n 的大作中提到】
: increasing tax cannot solve the problem of SSN
: when less and less people willing to born a child
: and cultivate him/her into a capable person.
: less
: when
: way

发帖数: 9453
why? it is because of the massive illegal immigrates,
not because US is special.
However, this illegal immigrate degrade the populaiton quality
even faster than less child....hehe
when there are 400 million, I am sure more than half is Black and Mexican.
WHile if they are so cool, why Mecixo which is full of Mexican is not cool?
Why Africa which is full of black for many thousand years never cool?
For an example, I think chinese people are cool, based on
the fact that china are cool statisticall

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: You are wrong to make that assumption about US. On the contrary, US will
: increase population, the only among developed nations and China. That is why
: US is confident that China's GDP as a whole will not surpass that of US. It
: is estimated that by 2100 US will more than 400 million--I do not know the
: exact number but you can check with Census Bureau's prediction.

Trump would push Mexico to fund wall by blocking money transfers: report修墙救美国人,也救墨西哥人
Way to attack the Mexican judge墨西哥根本没有任何leverage和美国讲价
La Raza 跟 KKK 有啥区别?flu的好帖:60 percent were American citizens.
发帖数: 68

high educated people != high quality people, NEVER.
Actually we can argue for the opposite. Our Chinese guys love high education
, but do you think these high educated WSN are high quality, good persons?
If America is full of these kind people, would you still want your children
be here? I don't think so.

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: why? it is because of the massive illegal immigrates,
: not because US is special.
: However, this illegal immigrate degrade the populaiton quality
: even faster than less child....hehe
: when there are 400 million, I am sure more than half is Black and Mexican.
: WHile if they are so cool, why Mecixo which is full of Mexican is not cool?
: Why Africa which is full of black for many thousand years never cool?
: For an example, I think chinese people are cool, based on
: the fact that china are cool statisticall

发帖数: 9453
never. sure
但是有高相关性。 你别又来给我两个反例, 啊 我认识一人 ***.
我可受不了了, 呵呵
还有别 dont think so 了。 看事情要看历史和未来, 中国就充满了
中国人, 历史上就是文明古国, 大多数时候都是世界领先强国,
现在也正在迅速发展。 你要说一国里面充满了中国人,
先都不谈是高素质教育过的, ou yeah,
我认为这个国家是会强大的, 历史和现在都证明了这点。
但是老黑? 对不起, 我实在是历史不好 -- 能给我教育一下历史


【在 o*****r 的大作中提到】
: high educated people != high quality people, NEVER.
: Actually we can argue for the opposite. Our Chinese guys love high education
: , but do you think these high educated WSN are high quality, good persons?
: If America is full of these kind people, would you still want your children
: be here? I don't think so.

发帖数: 6973
Thanks for the humor and broad knowledge you brought.

【在 O*****g 的大作中提到】
: White House Rehangs Abstract Painting of Social Security Cash Flow After
: Discovering It Was Hung Upside Down
: (
: will

发帖数: 6973
(1) I had no time yesterday. That is why uncharacteristically I did not
provide any links to my argument.
(I do not know what you responded to when you asked, "Why?" And I can not
finish reading this and next postings of yours. I will do that tomorrow.)
(2) About your comment about minorities in US. I will go back to Taiwan one
day, so I really do not have an opinion about many aspects of US. I can only
say this: I have been in US for 25 years--entirely in Chicago and Boston. I
have not had Hisp

【在 q*c 的大作中提到】
: why? it is because of the massive illegal immigrates,
: not because US is special.
: However, this illegal immigrate degrade the populaiton quality
: even faster than less child....hehe
: when there are 400 million, I am sure more than half is Black and Mexican.
: WHile if they are so cool, why Mecixo which is full of Mexican is not cool?
: Why Africa which is full of black for many thousand years never cool?
: For an example, I think chinese people are cool, based on
: the fact that china are cool statisticall

发帖数: 6973
China May Need Babies, Too (转载)
Alexa Olesen, Long-hated one-child rule may be eased in China. Associated
Press, Apr. 25, 2010.
(A Chinese researcher wrote in an jounral, "Government control is no longer
necessary to maintain low fertility. A carefully planned relaxation of the
birth-control policy in China is unlikely to lead to an unwanted baby boom.")

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: (1) I had no time yesterday. That is why uncharacteristically I did not
: provide any links to my argument.
: (I do not know what you responded to when you asked, "Why?" And I can not
: finish reading this and next postings of yours. I will do that tomorrow.)
: (2) About your comment about minorities in US. I will go back to Taiwan one
: day, so I really do not have an opinion about many aspects of US. I can only
: say this: I have been in US for 25 years--entirely in Chicago and Boston. I
: have not had Hisp

1 (共1页)
科学家最新的global warming科研成果:成吉思汗,古今环保第一人.由墨西哥移民美国历史看移民辩论
Dennis Farina: Remembering Chicago’s blue-collar starTrump would push Mexico to fund wall by blocking money transfers: report
中美合作的结果就是 中国把美技术偷走Way to attack the Mexican judge
CNN竟然给袭击Trump的家伙作专访了La Raza 跟 KKK 有啥区别?
Trump被墨西哥总统打脸 (转载)修墙救美国人,也救墨西哥人
听众信箱:美国内阁如何排交椅?flu的好帖:60 percent were American citizens.
Liberals dont want to help the poor.Canada has detained more Mexican refugees in two months th
话题: us话题: china话题: why话题: chinese话题: less