“奥巴马政府没有和错误的一伙搞在一起,他们自己就是错误的一伙。Van Jones,
Yosi Sergant和ACORN就是奥巴马成年以来一直选择去交往的人” http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=ZTI2Y2YyMzExNGI2OWNjNWU2YWM2NTdiYzY2OTIzNGQ=
Where Is Obama’s ‘Center’?
Look at his Rolodex and then figure out just where such a man would estimate
it to be.
By Mark Steyn
So why can’t the silver-tongued post-partisan healer seal the deal on this
health-care business? Surely it should be the work of moments for the
greatest orator in American history to whip up a little medicinal