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USANews版 - 吃饱了撑得:Text-Walking May Become Illegal in Illinois
不快乐的美国-the economistSandy Victim in Obama Photo Op Gets Form Letter Thanking Her for Supporting the Troops
美国黑帮Deranged Democrat Forced Out After Vile Twitter Comments »
MSNBC Focus Group Agrees Obama’s a Total FailureGibbs: Thank God I Don’t Work At The White House Anymore
NRA童话故事新编Horowitz: Are We Strangers in Our Own Land?
床铺把LINDSEY GRAHAM的脸打肿了,狠呀Democrat Email: ‘Sign our note to President Obama thanking him for all he’s done’
spam email from Howard DeanNY治疗患伊波拉病毒的医生的医疗费用: 两千万美元
54% Regard Thanksgiving as One of the Most Important Holidays巴尔的摩的问题是民主党的问题,不是美国的问题
That Martin/Zimmerman Mess黑人牛逼到knock out警察的地步了,华人继续选民主党
话题: illinois话题: walking话题: illegal话题: text话题: may
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 27
Thankfully a majority of you haven't had any walking while texting incidents
, and knock-on-wood, I haven't either. Well in Illinois this past January, a
bill was introduced that would ban people from using their cell phones
while crossing the street.
"This legislation is not laughable. On the surface it's like, 'Oh wow,
what is this?' But it's becoming more and more of a common problem with
people haplessly crossing an intersection and almost killing themselves."
Says Ken Dunkin, the repres
1 (共1页)
黑人牛逼到knock out警察的地步了,华人继续选民主党床铺把LINDSEY GRAHAM的脸打肿了,狠呀
MSNBC现场报道记者当众撒谎,结果被主持人纠正了spam email from Howard Dean
芝加哥周末15人遭枪击,媒体默不作声54% Regard Thanksgiving as One of the Most Important Holidays
NJ老黑女撒谎说警察威胁要杀她, 还好有video cameraThat Martin/Zimmerman Mess
不快乐的美国-the economistSandy Victim in Obama Photo Op Gets Form Letter Thanking Her for Supporting the Troops
美国黑帮Deranged Democrat Forced Out After Vile Twitter Comments »
MSNBC Focus Group Agrees Obama’s a Total FailureGibbs: Thank God I Don’t Work At The White House Anymore
NRA童话故事新编Horowitz: Are We Strangers in Our Own Land?
话题: illinois话题: walking话题: illegal话题: text话题: may