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TrustInJesus版 - [song] baby jesus
[song] baby jesusZT 女人的魅力 (转载)
In God, we trust[基ZT] 神的公义
Mother Teresa expressed grave doubts about God's existence请基们表态:引诱亚当夏娃的那蛇是不是撒旦?
问个基础问题:除了天堂地狱,没有肉体的灵魂还能上哪里去?Jesus statue in Ohio struck by lightning
Genesis 3Jesus statue被雷劈,烧成了灰烬 (转载)
【清唱活动】Because He Lives 因祂活着 (中英轮唱) (转载)为人处事太过于进攻性, 有违上帝的本意
和同事唱k饮酒if you believe in God,
话题: believers话题: statue话题: baby话题: window话题: jesus
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6791
You know that statue
That statue of baby jesus
In the window
In the window of the 99 cent store
Last night I saw the owner kiss it
And whisper in its ear
I was walking home from walgreen's
and he did not hear me see him
And on the
Very very next morning
All the subway cars were hallelu-leluing
Welcome back the baby king, the baby king
All the believers they were smiling
and winking at each other
I could honestly say I was scared for my life
They said, all the non-believers they get to eat dirt
And the believers get to spit on their graves...
You know that statue
That statue of baby jesus
In the window
In the window of the 99 cent store
They've been showing it on the news
It was thirty times its size
With a megaphone and a heart-shaped bruise
It was hovering in the skies
And all the
subway cars were hallelu-lelu-leluing, hallejuah
Welcome back the baby king, the baby king
All the believers they were smiling
and winking at each other
I could honestly say I was scared for my life
They said, all the non-believers they get to eat dirt
And the believers get to spit on their graves...
You know that statue
That statue of baby jesus
In the window
In the window of the 99 cent store
When I woke up I ran and bought it
and locked it in my closet
with a little bread and water
and a flashlight and a first aid kit til he grows
1 (共1页)
if you believe in God,Genesis 3
美国这里哪里能买到圣经新译本简体中文版【清唱活动】Because He Lives 因祂活着 (中英轮唱) (转载)
[song] baby jesusZT 女人的魅力 (转载)
In God, we trust[基ZT] 神的公义
Mother Teresa expressed grave doubts about God's existence请基们表态:引诱亚当夏娃的那蛇是不是撒旦?
问个基础问题:除了天堂地狱,没有肉体的灵魂还能上哪里去?Jesus statue in Ohio struck by lightning
话题: believers话题: statue话题: baby话题: window话题: jesus