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TrustInJesus版 - What Love is This? (19) Constantine
大多数穆斯林不是恐怖分子,但大多数恐怖分子是穆斯林 (转载)看老百姓辩论伊斯兰教vs基督教
Why are you here on this discussion board?Thoughts on the conflicts between science and faith (转载)
The Millennial Kingdom--1. AMILLENNIALISM (1)说文解字 之 仁
What Love is This?(18) Geneva Bible关于预定论有一个问题
What Love is This?(84)死人能做好事吗?能做坏事吗?我对加尔文派的认识
电影---Mountain of the Lord (转载)转载-双重预定论辩析
话题: his话题: cross话题: love话题: what
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3781
Irresistibly Imposed "Christianity"
Arguably, one of Satan's cleverest and most effective strategies was to
delude the Emperor Constantine with a false conversion. Accounts differ, bu
t whether this came about through a vision or a dream as recounted by Eusebi
us and Lactantius, Constantine saw a "cross" in the sky and heard a "voice"
proclaiming (by some accounts the words were inscribed on the cross), "In th
is sign thou shalt conquer." In the prior year the god Apollo had also promi
sed him victory.
Constantine's edicts of toleration gave every man "a right to choose his rel
igion according to the dictates of his own conscience and honest conviction,
without compulsion and interference from the government." Schaff views Con
stantine's conversion as a wonderful advance for Christianity:
"The church ascends the throne of the Caesars under the banner of the cross,
and gives new vigor and lustre to the hoary empire of Rome. In fact, that
"conversion" began the corruption of the church and its marriage to the worl
How could a true follower of the Christ whose kingdom is not of this world
and whose servants do not wage war proceed to wage war in His name, and unde
r the banner of His cross to conquer with the sword? Of course, the Crusader
s did the same, slaughtering both Muslims and Jews to retake the "holy land"
under Pope Urban II's pledge (matching Muhammad's and the Qur'an's promise
to Muslims) of full forgiveness of sins for those who died in this holy war
(Muslim jihad). But it was all very Augustinian. The City of God had to be
1 (共1页)
转载-双重预定论辩析What Love is This?(18) Geneva Bible
吴主光牧师论加尔文主义的错误(ZZ) (转载)What Love is This?(84)死人能做好事吗?能做坏事吗?
吴主光牧师论加尔文主义的错误(ZZ) (转载)【征文】和天主教同事聊天主教跟基督教的不同
加尔文教信条电影---Mountain of the Lord (转载)
大多数穆斯林不是恐怖分子,但大多数恐怖分子是穆斯林 (转载)看老百姓辩论伊斯兰教vs基督教
Why are you here on this discussion board?Thoughts on the conflicts between science and faith (转载)
The Millennial Kingdom--1. AMILLENNIALISM (1)说文解字 之 仁
话题: his话题: cross话题: love话题: what