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TrustInJesus版 - 歷史中的宗教改革運動
改革宗(加爾文主義)神學的歷史Karl Barth的十四卷本Church Dogmatics超低价
我們是誰?-- 福音派的身份请版主候选人谈谈什么算异端?
What Love Is This? (6) call upon evangelicals认识神的预定与人的自由-读书笔记一
英漢改革宗與神學名詞與觀念清單What Love Is This?(3)Calvinism's role
地方教会算邪教么?Re: 聊聊基督教呗
话题: reformed话题: vs话题: church话题: 改革
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4956
Reformed Theology in History: As Compared with Whom?
(1) 改革宗是基督新教的﹕基督教與天主教的分別
Reformed are Protestants: Protestants vs. Roman Catholics and Orthodox
a. 聖經的權威
The authority of the Bible: sola scriptura vs. Catholic "magisterium of the
church" (teaching authority of the church = equal to the Bible's authority)
b. 基督為罪人作代罪的死。
Christ died as substitutionary atonement for sinners. How is grace applied
to the sinner? Imputed through faith only vs. infused through sacraments (C
atholics: faith + sacraments).
c. 基督是神人之間的唯一中保。Christ is the only Mediator between God
and man
vs. saints as mediators (with extra merit in the Treasury of merit)
d. 天主教﹕教會干預政治。Catholicism: church interferes with the state
e. 東正教;國家干預教會。Orthodoxy: the state interferes with the
f. 聖公會﹕皇帝是教會的頭。Anglicanism: the monarch (king, queen) is
the hea
d of the church
宗教改革堅持的五個惟獨﹕The five "only"s of the Reformation:
惟獨聖經Sola Scriptura
惟獨基督Sola Chrsitus
惟獨恩典Sola Gratia
惟獨信心Sola Fide
惟獨為神的榮耀Sola Gloria Deo
(Cf. John McNeill, The History and Character of Calvinism; Roland Bainton, T
he Protestant Reformation in the 16th Century.)
(2) 改革宗與亞米念主義Reformed vs. Arminians
(Synod of Dort condemned teachings of Dutch Reformed minister Jacob Arminius
a. 完全的墮落Total depravity vs. "man is not totally depraved; there is
l some good, some freedom, some …"
b. 無條件的揀選Unconditional election vs. "God chooses man on the basis
of f
oreknowing his faith"
c. 有限的救贖Limited atonement vs. "Christ died for everyone"
d. 不可抗拒的恩典Irresistible grace vs. "Grace can be resisted"
e. 聖徒的堅忍Perseverance of the saints vs. "one can lose his/her
* Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(Cf. Steele and Thomas, The Five Points of Calvinism: Defined, Documented, D
efended.) Note: The five points of Calvinism (vs. Arminianism) does not rep
resent the totality of Reformed theology!!
(3) 改革宗與時代論Reformed vs. Dispensationalists
(J.N. Darby and the Plymouth Brethren - 1830s)
a. (Dispensationalists) God saves through seven dispensations (periods).
b. Man's response (disobedience/disbelief) in a particular dispensation
uences God to institute a new (next) dispensation.
c. We are in the dispensation of grace (#5), not dispensation of law (#
d. Old Testament prophecies concerning Israel, esp. concerning the land
, are
not all fulfilled yet.
e. Christ came, but the kingdom did not come. The kingdom will only
come du
ring the (coming) millennium.
f. The Jews rejected the Messiah, so God turned to the Gentiles (disp.
g. Christians will be raptured secretly. Then there will be
h. Christ will return to rule in Israel for 1000 years. Sacrifices re-
ted; Christ sits on throne of David. (Special plan for Israel to be saved.)
(Cf. Harvie M. Conn, Contemporary World Theology: A Layman's Guideboook, cha
pters 19-20.)
(4) 改革宗與福音派﹕改革宗人士是否福音派的一部分?
Reformed vs. Evangelical: Are Reformed people a part of the evangelical move
a. Evangelical = Protestant (European, Lutheran usage of the word)
b. Evangelical = evangelical revivals (Wesleys, Whitefield, Jonathan
c. Evangelical = belief in the Bible as inspired, inerrant
d. Evangelical changed after 1965: no longer a unified stand on the
ion and inerrancy of Scripture; "neo-evangelicals" (1970s term) began to cal
l themselves "evangelicals" by the 1990s - Chicago Statement on Biblical Ine
rrancy (1978)
e. Situation is not the same outside the USA: in the Third World, many
hes and denominations remain conservative (Bible-believing)
f. Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Cambridge Declaration, 1996
g. Reformed = part of the confessing evangelical (fundamentalist)
(Cf. J.I. Packer, Truth and Power; David Wells, ed., Reformed Theology in Am
erica; Ian Murray, Revival and Revivalism; Ian Murray, Evangelicalism Divide
(5) 改革宗與敬虔主義Reformed and Pietists
a. Puritans were first movement of Pietists (influence spread to
; then from Netherlands to Germany - Spener and Francke)
b. 19th and 20th century Pietism: separation from the world; Reformed:
ral mandate
c. 19th and 20th century Pietism: anti-intellectual; Reformed:
sanctified us
e of the mind
d. 19th and 20th century Pietism: anti-urban
e. Pietism: anti-organizational/denominational; Reformed: churchmanship
f. Reformed as "follow-up" workers for Pietism
(Cf. Ernst Stoeffler, The Rise of Evangelical Pietism; Harvie M. Conn, Conte
mporary World Theology, chapters on pietism and mysticism.)
(6) 改革宗為福音派運動;改革宗為復興,更新運動
Reformed as evangelical movement, Reformed as revival/renewal movement
a. Reformation
b. Puritanism
c. Great Awakening / Evangelical Revivals
d. 19th century: Revivalism
e. 20th century: Revivalism and charismatic movement
f. 21st century: recovering the church from oblivion in pagan west?
(J.I. Packer, The Quest for Godliness.)
(7) 自由派,新正統派神學為「改革宗」;
Liberal, Neo-Orthodox as Reformed; Liberal, Neo-Orthodox vs. Reformed
a. Liberalism: biblical criticism; liberal theology (19th century)
b. 20th century Neo-orthodoxy: Karl Barth, Emil Brunner
(Karl Barth, Epistle to the Romans; Church Dogmatics.)
c. Barth and others belonged to the Lutheran/Reformed churches
d. Today, neo-orthodox people call themselves Reformed (Confession of
Presbyterian Church in the USA)
(Cornelius Van Til, The New Modernism; Cornelius Van Til, Christianity and B
arthianism; Carl Henry, God, Revelation, Authority.)
(8) 改革宗,路德宗,重洗派Reformed vs. Lutherans and Anabaptists
a. 路德宗Luther - Lutheranism (Germany, Scandinavia)
b. 加爾文Calvin - Reformed, Presbyterians (Switzerland, France,
Britain, North America, Hungary)
c. 聖公會Anglicanism (Puritans, Methodists = renewal movements)
d. 重洗派Anabaptists - Mennonites, Amish ("Pennsylvania Dutch" = NOT
(9) 改革宗長老會與主教制
Reformed Presbyterians vs. Bishop system (Anglicans, Methodists, Christian a
nd Missionary and Alliance) and Congregationalist system (Baptists, independ
ent churches, Congregationalists)
a. 主教制Bishop system: episcopalism
b. 會眾制Congregationalist system: congregationalism
c. 長老制Presbyterial system: Presbyterianism
1 (共1页)
What Love is This?(44) 吃人的信条地方教会算邪教么?
改革宗(加爾文主義)神學的歷史Karl Barth的十四卷本Church Dogmatics超低价
我們是誰?-- 福音派的身份请版主候选人谈谈什么算异端?
What Love Is This? (6) call upon evangelicals认识神的预定与人的自由-读书笔记一
英漢改革宗與神學名詞與觀念清單What Love Is This?(3)Calvinism's role
话题: reformed话题: vs话题: church话题: 改革