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TrustInJesus版 - <一年反基> 萧伯纳评基督教
Why not give christianity a trial?<两年反基> 萧伯纳论大尾巴狼基督徒
[一年反基] 萧伯纳评信徒更快乐问一下这里的反基
<一年反基> 萧伯纳讽刺基督徒赞美白给的礼物白玫,换个贴讨论
推荐萧伯纳的书:On the prospects of christanity更新: 网易新闻 : 玉树地震 M7.1 已造成1484人遇难
萧伯纳评保罗当初迫害基督徒[请问反基] 杀人工具怎么越做越威武?
<两年反基> 萧伯纳评早期基督教的教规Richard Dawkins '08 UC Berkeley lecture
<两年反基> 萧伯纳:THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ATONEMENTThe Humiliation of Christ
话题: vagabonds话题: talkers话题: order话题: had话题: them
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6791
I have no sympathy with vagabonds and talkers who try to reform society by
taking men away from their regular productive work and making vagabonds and
talkers of them too; and if I had been Pilate I should have recognized as
plainly as he the necessity for suppressing attacks on the existing social
order, however corrupt that order might be, by people with no knowledge of
government and no power to construct political machinery to carry out their
views, acting on the very dangerous delusion that the end of the world was
at hand. I make no defence of such Christians as Savonarola and John of
Leyden: they were scuttling the ship before they had learned how to build a
raft; and it became necessary to throw them overboard to save the crew.
1 (共1页)
The Humiliation of Christ推荐萧伯纳的书:On the prospects of christanity
结束二十年基督徒生涯,皈依我佛【转载】<两年反基> 萧伯纳评早期基督教的教规
Richard Dawkins -- The God Delusion<两年反基> 萧伯纳:THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ATONEMENT
Why not give christianity a trial?<两年反基> 萧伯纳论大尾巴狼基督徒
[一年反基] 萧伯纳评信徒更快乐问一下这里的反基
<一年反基> 萧伯纳讽刺基督徒赞美白给的礼物白玫,换个贴讨论
话题: vagabonds话题: talkers话题: order话题: had话题: them