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Travel版 - advice needed for LV 7 day trip after Thanksgiving
Zion 和Bryce,住哪方便?布莱斯峡谷国家公园(Bryce Canyon National Park)—— 万千Hoodoos
[合集] 再贴LV+Grand Canyon旅游的计划,希望大家指教谁在bryce canyon附近下过榻?
[合集] Grand Canyon circle行程安排,求助!Grand Canyon和Bryce Canyon旅游,住哪里?
Zion 两天时间够玩了吗?Advice for Grand Canyon and Page, AZ in Thanksgiving
Sedona, Zion, Bryce, Antelope Canyons 请点拨一下!3月中旬 Grand Canyon
圣诞节两天去Zion, Bryce canyon national park怎么样?Grand Canyon 到page 晚上好开吗?
grand circle日落后开车求建议?帮我看看我这个行程怎么样? (转载)
十月中grand circle行程求建议有人冬天去过zion national park和arches吗?冬天开车安全吗?
话题: lv话题: np话题: trip话题: canyon
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 68
Hi, our family decided to make a vacation trip in LV area from 11/26 to 12/
03. I did not well plan it in advance since it is a sudden decision, so
really need some advice here. My original plan is below after some quick
research: (have parents and young kids, so dont want to do much hikings or
camping, just sightviewing)
11/26, arriving, walk around, and maybe some free shows in the evening
11/27, day trip to Death Valley NP
11/28, zion NP, stay in Springdale or Hatch (No needs appointments for
Motels, rt?)
11/29, Bryce Canyon NP, back to LV
11/30 Vegas, relax day, maybe hoover dam or red rock canyon nearby
12/1, Grand Canyon (which part is suggested here? west part of south rim? consider we won't do
hiking and hopefully we have enough time to drive back to LV, or better find
some nearby place stay there?)
12/2, Vegas
12/3 leaving LV
any suggestion is well appreciated!
1 (共1页)
有人冬天去过zion national park和arches吗?冬天开车安全吗?Sedona, Zion, Bryce, Antelope Canyons 请点拨一下!
感恩节Arches, Canyonlands, Bryce Canyon, Zion八日游圣诞节两天去Zion, Bryce canyon national park怎么样?
去过utah, arizona国家公园的请提下意见包子感谢grand circle日落后开车求建议?
带爸妈大峡谷求简易十月中grand circle行程求建议
Zion 和Bryce,住哪方便?布莱斯峡谷国家公园(Bryce Canyon National Park)—— 万千Hoodoos
[合集] 再贴LV+Grand Canyon旅游的计划,希望大家指教谁在bryce canyon附近下过榻?
[合集] Grand Canyon circle行程安排,求助!Grand Canyon和Bryce Canyon旅游,住哪里?
Zion 两天时间够玩了吗?Advice for Grand Canyon and Page, AZ in Thanksgiving
话题: lv话题: np话题: trip话题: canyon