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Travel版 - [合集] 五月初日本7日游计划
06年秋日本之(6)奈良半日日本旅行,问下大家我这样的情况买JR Pass划算吗?
有朋友去过日本吗,说说你们都去什么好地方晃了日本新干线贵死了,怎么坐便宜? (转载)
回国准备结果日本日本七天其中关西四天怎么安排,住京都,奈良姬路各一个day tr
请问下大家在箱根和京都旅馆 (转载)2010奥兰多Disney4日游 游记+攻略 (1)
话题: 日游话题: 五月话题: 日本
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1697
lupus (The Right Side) 于 (Tue Apr 20 15:01:57 2010, 美东) 提到:
签证机票JR PASS到手后开始做详细计划。这才发现赶上一半golden week,大家看看帮
5/2 - Arrive NRT 3:25PM
NRT train to tokyo station (leave some lugage at locker?)
evening tour or sleep(?)
Lodging at Tokyo
5/3 morning train to kyoto
touring kyoto
lodging at kyoto
5/4 morning train to Nara
touring nara
evening train back kyoto
lodging at kyoto
5/5 morning train to hakone
touring hakone, fuji
loding at hakone
5/6 morning train to Sendai
touring sendai
evening train back tokyo
lodging at tokyo
5/7 tokyo disney sea
lodging at tokyo
5/8 morning tour tokyo
2:30PM arrive tokyo station get luggage to NRT
5:20PM take off from NRT
1. 带个四岁的小孩子,所以想去看看disney sea,富士山就不爬了,欢迎拍砖。
2. 有点担心黄金周车票换不到?
3. 5/3,5/4住京都还是奈良好,或者大阪?总换旅馆有点折腾,那两天最好有一个根
4. 去仙台只呆半天有点浪费,也许应该去掉,拿不定主意,
5. 据说火车站的只能用3天?是按72小时算的么?5/3早上重新存一下,5/6晚上取行不
anticynicism (猫儒主义) 于 (Tue Apr 20 17:11:29 2010, 美东) 提到:
Give up Sendai.
Suggest visiting Osaka instead, or Kobe.
Or you can spend half a day in Yokohama on your way back from Hakone to
You can stay in Osaka or Kyoto. They have more hotels than Nara. You may
travel from each of these three cities to another within thirty minutes by

anticynicism (猫儒主义) 于 (Tue Apr 20 17:17:47 2010, 美东) 提到:
You can leave your luggage at airport for 500 yen for one luggage per day, i
f I didn't remember wrong.
Disneyland is more attractive for kids than Disney Sea. But the flip side is
that it's more crowded. Don't go to either of these two on holidays or week
ends. You'll be squeezed to death by "ppl mountain ppl sea"...
I've never used JR Pass. I guess there might be some problem when you take t
he Shinkansen. But it won't be a huge one coz you can stand all the way and
there are many trains between Tokyo and Osaka everyday.
lupus (The Right Side) 于 (Tue Apr 20 17:36:54 2010, 美东) 提到:
thanks, i will do more research with Kobe, i probably should save Santai for
possible Hokkado trip in the future anyway.
good to know there is no day limitation on airport locker box.
What's good in Yokohama though, my impression is just shopping and city
skyline view of tokyo bay
anticynicism (猫儒主义) 于 (Tue Apr 20 17:56:34 2010, 美东) 提到:
There is luggage counter where you can leave your luggage there. It's not li
ke the locker box at the train station. I only find Japanese websites, maybe
you can search it in the Chinese or English version of Narita Airport.
Usually you cannot leave your luggage in the locker box overnight at the tra
in station.
As for Yokohama, you can have a look at the biggest China town in Japan and
the Minato Mirai port. These two are very close to each other. Btw, your JR
pass cannot cover local subways. Be prepared for the expenses.
wangmouse (mickymouse) 于 (Tue Apr 20 20:53:18 2010, 美东) 提到:
Golden Week去日本很惨的,跟中国春运一样,我有一年去坐火车没有位置,坐在车厢
1 (共1页)
2010奥兰多Disney4日游 游记+攻略 (1)回国准备结果日本
[合集] 德国南部5日游计划:敬请指点看了3小时日本游记,没看出啥名堂
[合集] [求建议]四月或五月到哪个国家公园玩好?三月底去京都八天应该怎么安排行程呢?
日本的七天(4)远行到奈良请问下大家在箱根和京都旅馆 (转载)
06年秋日本之(6)奈良半日日本旅行,问下大家我这样的情况买JR Pass划算吗?
有朋友去过日本吗,说说你们都去什么好地方晃了日本新干线贵死了,怎么坐便宜? (转载)
话题: 日游话题: 五月话题: 日本