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话题: rose话题: 伊人话题: me话题: today话题: 玫瑰
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 162
玫瑰伊人, A rose deep in my heart,
永植吾心。 You helped it to grow,
其如甘怡, It’s sweet, as dear as can be.
吾心欲询。 But today, I want you to see, what that means to me.
其比翡翠, This rose like a gem
亦若诗吟。 This rose like a poem
浅笑婉尔, With our laughter
泪沾眉颦。 and tears
弥足珍惜, It’s precious,
吾爱已深。 As brilliant as can be
此情若寄, But today, I want you to see……
吾心犹纷。 A little secret in me.
玫瑰伊人, A new bloom,
永藏吾心。 Growing from the day
窈窕且至, You came in front of me,
花开正茵。 In such a wonderful way, O’ Who else can be?
晨曦如浴, As sunlight on a stream returns each day as the morning breaks
月涓可斟。 As moonlight on a stream returns each day as the evening sets
但忆此时, I remembered that time
有汝相临。 O’ You came to me
玫瑰伊人, The rose was a bud,
永绽吾心。 The rose was a bloom, Today a lovely blossom
执子之手, Not the one in the store , Not the one in the garden
静听心音。 But deep in the heart of mine
与子偕老, Remember, this rose, As dear as can be
吾复何寻? Through all the years , Part belongs to you, And part belongs to
发帖数: 2193

【在 l******o 的大作中提到】
: 玫瑰伊人, A rose deep in my heart,
: 永植吾心。 You helped it to grow,
: 其如甘怡, It’s sweet, as dear as can be.
: 吾心欲询。 But today, I want you to see, what that means to me.
: 其比翡翠, This rose like a gem
: 亦若诗吟。 This rose like a poem
: 浅笑婉尔, With our laughter
: 泪沾眉颦。 and tears
: 弥足珍惜, It’s precious,
: 吾爱已深。 As brilliant as can be

1 (共1页)
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话题: rose话题: 伊人话题: me话题: today话题: 玫瑰