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TheStrait版 - How to Play Well With China
A solemn statement again from abbot Shi JianrenAll levels of governments in China will cut budgets again (转载)
陈云林绝对不能称呼马英九为总统!China公交车: 如需吐痰… 請向外
馬 To Hillary: I am the president of Taiwan疑问:one taiwan,one China
“台湾President打电话”细思极恐中共逼我改名台湾中国 我强烈抗议矮化ZZ
衷心希望这个法案在呆湾过关啊:立委推「非中國製(CHINA FREE)」標章:台湾问题消耗了我国人民太多资源 (转载)
马英九送陈云林“一个China”日本怎么不砸 MADE IN CHINA 的东西?
话题: china话题: obama话题: play话题: well话题: america
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3150
PRESIDENTS Obama and Xi Jinping will meet in California for two days
starting this Friday.
It’s about time.
New sources of friction are constantly appearing in the relationship between
the United States and China: trade disputes, tension over North Korea,
debates over curbing carbon emissions, allegations of cyberattacks by China.
Having survived re-election, President Obama can shrug off charges of
appeasement and treat a rising China with the care it deserves. China, with
its leadership transition, has a fresh start, too.
The American and Chinese presidents must seize this opportunity to improve
relations; if they don’t, there won’t be another chance for years.
Until now, Mr. Obama’s China policy has been mainly a hedge against China’
s rise. The administration’s “pivot” to Asia — the shift of attention
and resources from other regions — has convinced many in Beijing that
Washington intends to try to stunt China’s growth and contain it the way
that America sought to halt the spread of Soviet power during the cold war.
Hedging should be part of America’s strategy. But hedging without a sincere
attempt to open up a dialogue risks feeding China’s resentment and
transforming competition into conflict.
1 (共1页)
日本怎么不砸 MADE IN CHINA 的东西?President说英语,不说母语,什么想法?
How to Play Well With China“台湾President打电话”细思极恐
Obama to Xi: let us talk about human rights衷心希望这个法案在呆湾过关啊:立委推「非中國製(CHINA FREE)」標章:
A solemn statement again from abbot Shi JianrenAll levels of governments in China will cut budgets again (转载)
陈云林绝对不能称呼马英九为总统!China公交车: 如需吐痰… 請向外
馬 To Hillary: I am the president of Taiwan疑问:one taiwan,one China
话题: china话题: obama话题: play话题: well话题: america