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TexasHoldem版 - river size?
Is it a good move?
What will you do ?
The formula from Let It Be Range
One hand
困惑 请教一手牌的打法
一手牌,what to do?
话题: river话题: villain话题: hero话题: both话题: sb
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 611
Villain is a good aggressive player. We both Know how each other plays. Both
have deep stack, more than 500bb.
Hero hold K4s raised to 12 at LP. 4 way pot including villain at SB. Flop
KK7 w/ two diamonds. Check to hero. Hero c-bet 20, SB called. Turn blank,
both check. River K, no flush board. SB led out 80, hero ?
Villain's flat on the flop put me on face cards, pair, flush draw, air, or
Kx. I put him on packet pair. So turn I checked to trap. Also to control
the pot in case he has K too. River he led out pot size. The chance he put
me on busted draw or small pair is high. Should i shove on the river?
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
发帖数: 1500
发帖数: 7793
what is all in here? 1k shove? Anyone with half of a brain will not call
almost no one over shove 10x bluff here without the nuts. because u r
risking too much to bet on ur villain does not have the nuts while he is
telling u that he does.
What u can do on the other hand is announcing mini raise here to 160 but mix
it in a few black chip (I hope u have colored ur reds for such purpose)
then try to pull it back and claim it is a mistake and hope for a call.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 8.6

【在 p****0 的大作中提到】
: Villain is a good aggressive player. We both Know how each other plays. Both
: have deep stack, more than 500bb.
: Hero hold K4s raised to 12 at LP. 4 way pot including villain at SB. Flop
: KK7 w/ two diamonds. Check to hero. Hero c-bet 20, SB called. Turn blank,
: both check. River K, no flush board. SB led out 80, hero ?
: Villain's flat on the flop put me on face cards, pair, flush draw, air, or
: Kx. I put him on packet pair. So turn I checked to trap. Also to control
: the pot in case he has K too. River he led out pot size. The chance he put
: me on busted draw or small pair is high. Should i shove on the river?
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

发帖数: 611

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: what is all in here? 1k shove? Anyone with half of a brain will not call
: here.
: almost no one over shove 10x bluff here without the nuts. because u r
: risking too much to bet on ur villain does not have the nuts while he is
: telling u that he does.
: What u can do on the other hand is announcing mini raise here to 160 but mix
: it in a few black chip (I hope u have colored ur reds for such purpose)
: then try to pull it back and claim it is a mistake and hope for a call.
: Both

发帖数: 611
嗯,估计Allin他会fold. 所以我tank tank 然后加注到280,他秒call. 然后很痛苦
的说我应该all in. 我估计他在寻求自我安慰吧。

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 d*****0 的大作中提到】
: 完全看不到价值,可以利用的只剩下hero的image了,所以我会在这里3x
发帖数: 7793
he just wanted to make you second guess your play and maybe tilt a bit. We
all do that at live game.

【在 p****0 的大作中提到】
: 嗯,估计Allin他会fold. 所以我tank tank 然后加注到280,他秒call. 然后很痛苦
: 的说我应该all in. 我估计他在寻求自我安慰吧。
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

发帖数: 274
以前干过raise bluff river的事情?

【在 p****0 的大作中提到】
: 嗯,估计Allin他会fold. 所以我tank tank 然后加注到280,他秒call. 然后很痛苦
: 的说我应该all in. 我估计他在寻求自我安慰吧。
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

发帖数: 611
太多了。而且对手知道我能够make a move. 问题是正如MM老师说的那样,用半个脑子
思考的人,或者用屁股想想,也不会all in bluff 的。任何value bet raise,
villain will call with a decent pair.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 n***a 的大作中提到】
: 以前干过raise bluff river的事情?
发帖数: 1130
这是live or online?


【在 p****0 的大作中提到】
: Villain is a good aggressive player. We both Know how each other plays. Both
: have deep stack, more than 500bb.
: Hero hold K4s raised to 12 at LP. 4 way pot including villain at SB. Flop
: KK7 w/ two diamonds. Check to hero. Hero c-bet 20, SB called. Turn blank,
: both check. River K, no flush board. SB led out 80, hero ?
: Villain's flat on the flop put me on face cards, pair, flush draw, air, or
: Kx. I put him on packet pair. So turn I checked to trap. Also to control
: the pot in case he has K too. River he led out pot size. The chance he put
: me on busted draw or small pair is high. Should i shove on the river?
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

1 (共1页)
一手牌,what to do?
屌丝的扑克研磨日记 05-26-13
tourney后期 3bet shove的问题
share one hand
What would you do this hand?
今天的另一个out of position bluff
话题: river话题: villain话题: hero话题: both话题: sb