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TexasHoldem版 - [leak fix 1] easy fold
where did i go wrongtough one
[leak fix 2] you c-bet air here最近玩的两把牌,感觉打得好差
Are you serious?这把牌我应该在turn all in吗
I hope I made right decisions on these two handsshould I call the turn bet?
周末的几手牌how does this line look.
how do you play this hand?稀奇古怪打法每天都能见到..
话题: fold话题: leak话题: fix话题: calls话题: easy
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
loose ATo 4x pre, tiny stack calls, LP calls, i call.
check fold flop.
well, otherwise, everyone wins except me.
2 more notes on those gutshot heroes.
发帖数: 3932
I probably will squeeze preflop, but calling is fine since you can shoot for
a flush and get more customers.
After flop, I think I will check (and likely fold) too. The AT guy could
easily beat me. I may raise here to fight button on the side pot. He shows
weakness. But he's likely to fold to your raise so you end up with allin
with the AT guy, and the question becomes if it's worth to do that with AQ (
with some dead money contributed by the button). The answer is not clear to
me. Notice you have a backdoor flush and str8 draw too..

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: loose ATo 4x pre, tiny stack calls, LP calls, i call.
: check fold flop.
: well, otherwise, everyone wins except me.
: 2 more notes on those gutshot heroes.

发帖数: 15860
SQ would be like $8 or so, suited AQs, well, could work better.


【在 h*******s 的大作中提到】
: I probably will squeeze preflop, but calling is fine since you can shoot for
: a flush and get more customers.
: After flop, I think I will check (and likely fold) too. The AT guy could
: easily beat me. I may raise here to fight button on the side pot. He shows
: weakness. But he's likely to fold to your raise so you end up with allin
: with the AT guy, and the question becomes if it's worth to do that with AQ (
: with some dead money contributed by the button). The answer is not clear to
: me. Notice you have a backdoor flush and str8 draw too..

1 (共1页)
稀奇古怪打法每天都能见到..I hope I made right decisions on these two hands
Will you fold this hand?周末的几手牌
既然block bet了riverhow do you play this hand?
where did i go wrongtough one
[leak fix 2] you c-bet air here最近玩的两把牌,感觉打得好差
Are you serious?这把牌我应该在turn all in吗
话题: fold话题: leak话题: fix话题: calls话题: easy