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TexasHoldem版 - one hand in live poker
One bad beat帮我分析2手牌吧
Just now这里牛人太多,再来一副牌。
easy fold??问首牌
人品守恒。。。straight, call or fold
how is your readpaired board, deep stack 求教
yost, river bet个啥?would you fold QQ?
I thought I was bluffed this timeIs this a fold?
play mid pair on a raised potKK vs possilbe set
话题: turn话题: bet话题: russian话题: river话题: he
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 124
NL 1-2:
I(80BB) was in middle position with AhKs and first raised to 6BB, a
Russian guy (100BB) just joined the table called from the cutoff. Everyone
else fold.
Flop: AsJd7c. I bet 7.5BB, Russian guy called.
Turn: 3d. I checked, Russian guy bet 5BB, I called.
River: Kh. I bet 5BB, Russian guy raised 35BB, I fold.
I think I did not play this hand well but have no clue how to play it. Did
the Russian guy flopped a set?
Could anyone give some analysis on this hand?
发帖数: 551
On the Turn, I would have bet bigger.
发帖数: 7793
check call river. that blocking bet on river was aweful. he does not have a
set. He either has Q10 or air or random rivered two pair. I would call at this spot just because only Q10 beats you really. if he has set, pay off, because if he played it correctly you would have lost a lot more.. He probably only got KJ
发帖数: 15860
since he's new to the table, he should not be familiar with your style.
since he's russian, he tends to be loooooose.
no, you can call river.
i like your flop and turn action against an unknown player, to keep pot
small with a single pair hand.
but i dislike the river smallish blocking bet and fold with a top 2 pair
hand. if you're too worried about sets, then check call would be cheaper.
you invested 24BB or 30% of stack, and could't see a showdown with top 2,
which is kind of frustrating.

【在 s*y 的大作中提到】
: NL 1-2:
: I(80BB) was in middle position with AhKs and first raised to 6BB, a
: Russian guy (100BB) just joined the table called from the cutoff. Everyone
: else fold.
: Flop: AsJd7c. I bet 7.5BB, Russian guy called.
: Turn: 3d. I checked, Russian guy bet 5BB, I called.
: River: Kh. I bet 5BB, Russian guy raised 35BB, I fold.
: I think I did not play this hand well but have no clue how to play it. Did
: the Russian guy flopped a set?
: Could anyone give some analysis on this hand?

发帖数: 7793
i really don't think he has set unless he has set of K which is impossible
given preflop action.. so if you take set out of his range. It is a sure
P.S.. call 完后指着他鼻子说。。 老毛子别想push me around...
发帖数: 1114
Decent size of check/raise on the turn is another option. if he call or even
4 bet you, you may fold or call and ready to fold on river.
BTW, this guy could have QT or air and I think you bet on the flop is not big enough to push the draw away. and you check call the small bet on the turn. I'd like to check raise on the turn to find it out...
发帖数: 1240
good fold. i dont think you can beat his hand.

【在 s*y 的大作中提到】
: NL 1-2:
: I(80BB) was in middle position with AhKs and first raised to 6BB, a
: Russian guy (100BB) just joined the table called from the cutoff. Everyone
: else fold.
: Flop: AsJd7c. I bet 7.5BB, Russian guy called.
: Turn: 3d. I checked, Russian guy bet 5BB, I called.
: River: Kh. I bet 5BB, Russian guy raised 35BB, I fold.
: I think I did not play this hand well but have no clue how to play it. Did
: the Russian guy flopped a set?
: Could anyone give some analysis on this hand?

发帖数: 7793
why does everyone think this is a fold? I would call just because it is a
russian... lol
发帖数: 15860
btw, welcome new face!

【在 s*y 的大作中提到】
: NL 1-2:
: I(80BB) was in middle position with AhKs and first raised to 6BB, a
: Russian guy (100BB) just joined the table called from the cutoff. Everyone
: else fold.
: Flop: AsJd7c. I bet 7.5BB, Russian guy called.
: Turn: 3d. I checked, Russian guy bet 5BB, I called.
: River: Kh. I bet 5BB, Russian guy raised 35BB, I fold.
: I think I did not play this hand well but have no clue how to play it. Did
: the Russian guy flopped a set?
: Could anyone give some analysis on this hand?

发帖数: 1114
LOL, I will call although more than half of the time will be throwing into
water. My feeling QT is greater than 50% here. However putting 35BB to win
50+35 BB makes the decision little easier. if the QT % is greater than 70%,

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: why does everyone think this is a fold? I would call just because it is a
: russian... lol

yost, river bet个啥?帮我分析2手牌吧
I thought I was bluffed this time这里牛人太多,再来一副牌。
play mid pair on a raised pot问首牌
发帖数: 1989
why fold at river?! At turn, I would check-raise big. If the opp. call the
raise on turn and allin at river, I would possiblely fold. O.W., no.
To me, the opp. takes your call on turn as weak and then bluff you on river.
BTW, one quest, why at live poker the standard raise is 4~5BB w/ AK/QQ? I
mean the standard one for online is 3BB.
发帖数: 7793
for a loose aggressive russian guy who probably think he is a shark, what
would you do when you hit two pair K3 K7 KJ on the river facing a blocking
bet which appears only to be a top pair or weaker? He bet 5$ on turn which
make 2 pair more likely because he hit something on flop or turn... I
suspect he should either check behind or bet big turn if he has a gut shot
draws.. 5$ bet just make no sense..


【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: LOL, I will call although more than half of the time will be throwing into
: water. My feeling QT is greater than 50% here. However putting 35BB to win
: 50+35 BB makes the decision little easier. if the QT % is greater than 70%,
: fold.

发帖数: 7793
i dislike check raise turn even though his bet is small.. he can either have
a inducing bet or he can still bluff you river with busted draws because your raise does not show your strength at all facing a small turn bet... out of position, keep it simple, keep the pot small...call turn and call river..
Something i learned recently:
Do not raise for information. It is too expensive.. if you check raise turn and want to fold river, it is not a good play...
发帖数: 15860
no, in live, and especially in $1/2NL (the lowest they offer), 3x is nothing
, and the standard is more like 6BB+ for some hands, not even necessarily be
AA/KK/AKs/QQ alike.
most of ppl have no idea what they're doing, and think 44 or JQo is a good
hand to limp call $13.


【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: why fold at river?! At turn, I would check-raise big. If the opp. call the
: raise on turn and allin at river, I would possiblely fold. O.W., no.
: To me, the opp. takes your call on turn as weak and then bluff you on river.
: BTW, one quest, why at live poker the standard raise is 4~5BB w/ AK/QQ? I
: mean the standard one for online is 3BB.

发帖数: 15860
apparently you read the book, lol.

your raise does not show your strength at all facing a small turn bet... out
of position, keep it simple, keep the pot small...call turn and call river.
turn and want to fold river, it is not a good play...

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: i dislike check raise turn even though his bet is small.. he can either have
: a inducing bet or he can still bluff you river with busted draws because your raise does not show your strength at all facing a small turn bet... out of position, keep it simple, keep the pot small...call turn and call river..
: Something i learned recently:
: Do not raise for information. It is too expensive.. if you check raise turn and want to fold river, it is not a good play...

发帖数: 7793
before i read the book, the first thing i learned that turned me a winning
player is never ever raise with top pair on flop or turn or any street...
If you watch HSP, you rarely see anyone raise their top pair.. ^_^ They don'
t even raise their sets all the time, which is very surprising to me...


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: apparently you read the book, lol.
: have
: your raise does not show your strength at all facing a small turn bet... out
: of position, keep it simple, keep the pot small...call turn and call river.
: .
: turn and want to fold river, it is not a good play...

发帖数: 124
Thank you guys!
I have many take away from your post.
Also here is a bit information about NL$1/2 game in Las Vegas:
Bellagio has a really nice poker room and a lot of tournaments going on
everyday. But I feel the game there is very tough.
I like to play in Mirage where the game is softer. Maybe it was just for
that particular day.
btw, what is the book?

They don'

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: before i read the book, the first thing i learned that turned me a winning
: player is never ever raise with top pair on flop or turn or any street...
: If you watch HSP, you rarely see anyone raise their top pair.. ^_^ They don'
: t even raise their sets all the time, which is very surprising to me...
: out
: river.

发帖数: 15860
"the poker blueprint".

【在 s*y 的大作中提到】
: Thank you guys!
: I have many take away from your post.
: Also here is a bit information about NL$1/2 game in Las Vegas:
: Bellagio has a really nice poker room and a lot of tournaments going on
: everyday. But I feel the game there is very tough.
: I like to play in Mirage where the game is softer. Maybe it was just for
: that particular day.
: btw, what is the book?
: winning

1 (共1页)
KK vs possilbe sethow is your read
did i make the right fold?yost, river bet个啥?
A few hands played during Christmas weekendI thought I was bluffed this time
今天玩rush poker的一手AAplay mid pair on a raised pot
One bad beat帮我分析2手牌吧
Just now这里牛人太多,再来一副牌。
easy fold??问首牌
人品守恒。。。straight, call or fold
话题: turn话题: bet话题: russian话题: river话题: he