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TexasHoldem版 - tough one
is a good lay down?KK vs possilbe set
QQ again.前老板口述的一把牌。
funny handtwo more live hands
严重down swing讨论一手牌
最近玩的两把牌,感觉打得好差昨晚上nl200 6max被crush
[leak fix 1] easy foldbluff or not?
请教大家一手牌live 2/3
话题: call话题: called话题: sb话题: turn话题: tough
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
NL200$ (3/5) commerce las night
10sJd off suited , under the gun call 5$ , cut off a tight player raise to
15$ , two guys called, I called.
Flop is 10h 3c 8d rainbow, first one check, I bet 25$, cutoff called , SB
Turn is 10c , SB check , I check( should I bet here ? ) cutoff bet 40$, SB
fold , should I call here( he only had 70$ left)
Anyway, I called , river is Kc, I check, he all in 70$, should I folded?
发帖数: 1153
I think calling is fine, fold river is pretty bad after you called the turn

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: NL200$ (3/5) commerce las night
: 10sJd off suited , under the gun call 5$ , cut off a tight player raise to
: 15$ , two guys called, I called.
: Flop is 10h 3c 8d rainbow, first one check, I bet 25$, cutoff called , SB
: called,
: Turn is 10c , SB check , I check( should I bet here ? ) cutoff bet 40$, SB
: fold , should I call here( he only had 70$ left)
: Anyway, I called , river is Kc, I check, he all in 70$, should I folded?

发帖数: 275
I feel your check on the turn is not bad since this induces bluff or they
may think you were bluffing on the flop. But then you made the call - this
is very strong although you didn't raise. I guess the tight guy knew it as
On the river, the pot is already 60 + 75 + 80 + his 70. Are you worried
about backdoor flush or a higher set (Ks)? KK is likely but I just won't

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: NL200$ (3/5) commerce las night
: 10sJd off suited , under the gun call 5$ , cut off a tight player raise to
: 15$ , two guys called, I called.
: Flop is 10h 3c 8d rainbow, first one check, I bet 25$, cutoff called , SB
: called,
: Turn is 10c , SB check , I check( should I bet here ? ) cutoff bet 40$, SB
: fold , should I call here( he only had 70$ left)
: Anyway, I called , river is Kc, I check, he all in 70$, should I folded?

发帖数: 3277
those are easy calls, I'd put him allin on the turn. but I just don't call
the preflop raise with JTo and out of position.

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: NL200$ (3/5) commerce las night
: 10sJd off suited , under the gun call 5$ , cut off a tight player raise to
: 15$ , two guys called, I called.
: Flop is 10h 3c 8d rainbow, first one check, I bet 25$, cutoff called , SB
: called,
: Turn is 10c , SB check , I check( should I bet here ? ) cutoff bet 40$, SB
: fold , should I call here( he only had 70$ left)
: Anyway, I called , river is Kc, I check, he all in 70$, should I folded?

发帖数: 1873
I will not call if only 2 players, but there are 4 players and I only need
to put 10$! is it a OK call?
发帖数: 15860
either way, you have to call. for your hand, folding to $70 after $70
investment and for a $285 pot is just not right.
betting on the turn is better i guess. he may get a false feeling (you didn'
t have a T) on the turn when you checked and then just called.

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: NL200$ (3/5) commerce las night
: 10sJd off suited , under the gun call 5$ , cut off a tight player raise to
: 15$ , two guys called, I called.
: Flop is 10h 3c 8d rainbow, first one check, I bet 25$, cutoff called , SB
: called,
: Turn is 10c , SB check , I check( should I bet here ? ) cutoff bet 40$, SB
: fold , should I call here( he only had 70$ left)
: Anyway, I called , river is Kc, I check, he all in 70$, should I folded?

发帖数: 275
but that's a small raise and you could hit a straight...

【在 c****u 的大作中提到】
: those are easy calls, I'd put him allin on the turn. but I just don't call
: the preflop raise with JTo and out of position.

发帖数: 3277
JT is a hand that can easily be dominated by a preflop raiser and you are
still out of position. JTs is fine to call IMO. I may actually fold JTo
in early positions, especially with deep stack, position is the key.
For example, suppose you hit a top pair, but sb or bb bets, do you call?
It's tough, cause if you call, you may face a big raise from the raiser.


【在 p*t 的大作中提到】
: but that's a small raise and you could hit a straight...
发帖数: 15860
persoanlly i would call since i'm loose and pot looks right for me, hehe.

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: I will not call if only 2 players, but there are 4 players and I only need
: to put 10$! is it a OK call?

发帖数: 1153
I don't think calling here is a big problem at all. But he got a point here.
Basically you are shortstacking online NL500. 40BB is not a good stack for
JTo, I will not play them often until most ppl on table got deeper. 40BB
stack is for top pair type of hand.

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: I will not call if only 2 players, but there are 4 players and I only need
: to put 10$! is it a OK call?

发帖数: 715
Guess most likely you you called. What happened then? He had AT or KT?
1 (共1页)
live 2/3严重down swing
an interesting hand ( continue)最近玩的两把牌,感觉打得好差
周三的一手牌[leak fix 1] easy fold
"i put you all in"请教大家一手牌
is a good lay down?KK vs possilbe set
QQ again.前老板口述的一把牌。
funny handtwo more live hands
话题: call话题: called话题: sb话题: turn话题: tough