

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - very interesting hand .
愚人节?KA vs very aggressive player
讨论一手牌QQ vs short stack.
老大老小们说说最牛和最臭的一把吧?KK in position vs tight guy
QQ lay downa similar hand
初试Live Casino Poker里程.(10)bluff or not?!
i am going to AC for a one day trip tomorrowtough spot
pocket AAbluff or not ?
pocket JJAA
话题: he话题: aa话题: raise话题: hand话题: flop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
This one was several months ago. but the reason I still remember , it tested
poker theory ability and my opponent reading skill so much.
NL200 game ( 3/5 blind)
middle position, Poket JJ.
raised to 25$.
button called. big blind reraise to 75$( he got 500$ I got 400$).
I called , button called .
flop AKJ ( no flush draw)
he bet 100$, what should I do?( i left 300$)( this guy image ok)
发帖数: 1248
All in


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: This one was several months ago. but the reason I still remember , it tested
: my
: poker theory ability and my opponent reading skill so much.
: NL200 game ( 3/5 blind)
: middle position, Poket JJ.
: raised to 25$.
: button called. big blind reraise to 75$( he got 500$ I got 400$).
: I called , button called .
: flop AKJ ( no flush draw)
: he bet 100$, what should I do?( i left 300$)( this guy image ok)

发帖数: 1873
what do you put him on?
if he get AA or KK, will you lay down?
if he get QQ or AQ, why you scare him out,
is this flop safe or not, is it possible to trap the other player in?
Before you say all in I hope you already think about these question.
NOt just "all in" if poker is that simple, there will be no such a
发帖数: 1248

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: what do you put him on?
: if he get AA or KK, will you lay down?
: if he get QQ or AQ, why you scare him out,
: is this flop safe or not, is it possible to trap the other player in?
: Before you say all in I hope you already think about these question.
: NOt just "all in" if poker is that simple, there will be no such a
: profession.

发帖数: 837


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: This one was several months ago. but the reason I still remember , it tested
: my
: poker theory ability and my opponent reading skill so much.
: NL200 game ( 3/5 blind)
: middle position, Poket JJ.
: raised to 25$.
: button called. big blind reraise to 75$( he got 500$ I got 400$).
: I called , button called .
: flop AKJ ( no flush draw)
: he bet 100$, what should I do?( i left 300$)( this guy image ok)

发帖数: 3501
不过要是我的话就ALL IN了,那人最多2 PAIR


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: This one was several months ago. but the reason I still remember , it tested
: my
: poker theory ability and my opponent reading skill so much.
: NL200 game ( 3/5 blind)
: middle position, Poket JJ.
: raised to 25$.
: button called. big blind reraise to 75$( he got 500$ I got 400$).
: I called , button called .
: flop AKJ ( no flush draw)
: he bet 100$, what should I do?( i left 300$)( this guy image ok)

发帖数: 1248

【在 h******y 的大作中提到】
: 我估摸着最后MELONLI还是FOLD了,呵呵。
: 不过要是我的话就ALL IN了,那人最多2 PAIR
: tested

发帖数: 3501

【在 s****s 的大作中提到】
: 他很厉害的,我跟他已经切磋过了
发帖数: 1248

【在 h******y 的大作中提到】
: 我看MELONI贴的一些出牌情况,觉得他打的比较紧
发帖数: 868
the big blind is out of position but he bets $100 to such a dangerous flop,
i guess he has either AK or pocket A's or K's. if he has pocket As, he might
check then call to slow play, or check raise. but with AK or pocket Ks, bet
ting normally is better. you only have 300 left. so you can't afford a raise
to find out what he holds. if you raise then he re-raise all-in, you're obl
iged to call.
the button calls your raise first, then calls BB's re-raise. i feel his hand
is weaker, but not as weak

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: This one was several months ago. but the reason I still remember , it tested
: my
: poker theory ability and my opponent reading skill so much.
: NL200 game ( 3/5 blind)
: middle position, Poket JJ.
: raised to 25$.
: button called. big blind reraise to 75$( he got 500$ I got 400$).
: I called , button called .
: flop AKJ ( no flush draw)
: he bet 100$, what should I do?( i left 300$)( this guy image ok)

发帖数: 868
you should never go all-in with just "feeling".

【在 s****s 的大作中提到】
: 有时候就是凭感觉,结果是什么?
发帖数: 1873
I am going to all in if he may get AA or KK, because I never lay down set
for 300$ more ( 300$ in the pot already). so I am going to trap him in , and
the button.( since I decide all in anyway).
so if he got AA or KK or Ak I am not afraid of the turn, since I decide all
in vs these 3 kinds of card already.
Now let think about it again, what kind of turn may hurt my hand.
Q or K, then he might get the straight, even in that case. I got full house
draw. that is the worst case, I still have at leas
发帖数: 1873
The flop is AJ10, turn is K river is 2
so only AA or QK leading me on the flop( obviously he didn't have QK).
for AA , I am not going to fold set vs set.
发帖数: 868
it's AJ10? then I intend to call as well. If you're against KQ then you have
some outs for a full house. I agree your play was good. set v.s. set is rar
e and we should move on if getting such beat.

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: sorry,
: The flop is AJ10, turn is K river is 2
: so only AA or QK leading me on the flop( obviously he didn't have QK).
: for AA , I am not going to fold set vs set.

1 (共1页)
AA初试Live Casino Poker里程.(10)
AQ flopped A, how to play?i am going to AC for a one day trip tomorrow
big lay down or what?pocket AA
昨天亏了pocket JJ
愚人节?KA vs very aggressive player
讨论一手牌QQ vs short stack.
老大老小们说说最牛和最臭的一把吧?KK in position vs tight guy
QQ lay downa similar hand
话题: he话题: aa话题: raise话题: hand话题: flop