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Texas版 - How is the Seabrook school district
Is Clear Lake, Houston, TX a pleasant area to live德州哪些地方最适合中国人生活?
有中国人住在 Baytown, tx 吗?屯子里的同学: 有没有要钓鱼的?
Houston medical center 到 clear lake交通休斯顿的房价有没有往下掉
请休斯敦华人指点Best school district in Austin
[合集] Houston medical center 到 clear lake交通Buy house in west Plano
Where can we see fireworks请问一下房屋产权的问题
clear lake, seabrook and league city请问appraisal district residence homestead
话题: district话题: seabrook话题: school话题: zillow话题: area
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 674
Sorry for English typing in office. The Zillow rates this district with 9,
10 , 9 on elementary, middle, and high schools. Some people here comments
negative side of this school district. Can anyone who lives or knows this
area release more information about this area?I am person who has
predilection of the fishing sports. I will move to this area if the school
district is really good as the Zillow rates. I am very , very appreciated.
发帖数: 7996
今儿问了问同事,clear lake city,就在seabrook的下边,是个更好的地方,据我的经
验,clear lake city的人看上去也比seabrook的正常很多

【在 r******i 的大作中提到】
: Sorry for English typing in office. The Zillow rates this district with 9,
: 10 , 9 on elementary, middle, and high schools. Some people here comments
: negative side of this school district. Can anyone who lives or knows this
: area release more information about this area?I am person who has
: predilection of the fishing sports. I will move to this area if the school
: district is really good as the Zillow rates. I am very , very appreciated.

1 (共1页)
请问appraisal district residence homestead[合集] Houston medical center 到 clear lake交通
How is the woodlands, TX (north of Houston)?猴子屯中国城哪家店有游水虾卖?
san antonio 的朋友们看过来Where can we see fireworks
Rice和museum district附近有人打升级吗clear lake, seabrook and league city
Is Clear Lake, Houston, TX a pleasant area to live德州哪些地方最适合中国人生活?
有中国人住在 Baytown, tx 吗?屯子里的同学: 有没有要钓鱼的?
Houston medical center 到 clear lake交通休斯顿的房价有没有往下掉
请休斯敦华人指点Best school district in Austin
话题: district话题: seabrook话题: school话题: zillow话题: area