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Texas版 - West Plano, great apartment sublease. Pay you cash for taking over my apartment before Christmas
Plano Tx Great apartment (转载)Plano学区改了
2bedroom with 2 full bathroom Subleaseplano 租房
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大家推荐几个West Plano的agent...sublease一房一厅一卫公寓(PLANO)
话题: apartment话题: rent话题: pay话题: sublease话题: great
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 302
Legal Sublease! Current rent $926/ month. Pay much less rent than you rent
directly from the leasing office!!!
We want to sublease our current apartment From Mid of December, 2010 to
June, 2011. This is a great two bedroom apartment in a great location (Close
to a good school, shopping mall), and there is a very good community
service and management team. Swim pool and GYM.
You need to sign contract with the leasing office and take our place for the
long term contract. You can take the advantage for much lower rent than
normal short-term rent. Then you can renew your lease month by month but pay
the lower rent as the long-term rent.
More informatin regarding the apartment:
Apartment model: Portsmith, two bedrooms with two full bath, 1030sq/ft
Any one interest in it please contact me.
The moving in time is negotiable.
1 (共1页)
sublease一房一厅一卫公寓(PLANO)Plano Room in House for Rent
求推荐 - 保母或者Family Care - West Allen or PlanoPlano room in house for Rent
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好房出租(West Plano, TX)大家推荐几个West Plano的agent...
Plano Tx Great apartment (转载)Plano学区改了
2bedroom with 2 full bathroom Subleaseplano 租房
房屋出租, good deal!Dallas university park买condo的话以后好出手吗
Blaire house apartment 2/1 for sublease请教west plano, Dallas租房
话题: apartment话题: rent话题: pay话题: sublease话题: great