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Tennessee版 - 有好东西吃了
为啥田纳西叫志愿者州??The University of Tennessee Health Science Center 怎么样?
今年外面为什么那么多大飞虫?tennessee's tax free weekend
有谁知道关于NASHVILLE 的MUSIC BAR 的?Hello, Tennessee
[公告] Tennessee 板的投票结果包子征选西瓜的方法
Tennessee impressions其实有件很很很很搞笑的事情
话题: cicadas话题: middle话题: tennessee话题: brood话题: may
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2867
NASHVILLE, Tenn. – It has been more than a decade since Middle Tennessee ha
s dealt with swarms of cicadas.
The last time the 13-year periodical cicada emerged from the ground was in M
ay of 1998.
Come May of this year, most of Middle Tennessee will again see the cicadas,
according to Dr. Frank Hale, entomologist at the University of Tennessee Ext
He said the periodical cicada that will emerge this year is known as Brood X
Various populations are called broods and scientists use Roman numerals to d
esignate which brood they are referring to.
Brood XIX is expected to emerge from the ground in May "and they will come o
ut by the millions," according to Dr. Hale.
He added, "Brood XIX is the biggest brood that we have in Middle Tennessee.
It is encompassing most of Middle Tennessee, even some counties in east Ten
nessee and probably a few west of here."
The cicadas will start appearing in early May and live for about five to six
Most Middle Tennesseans remember the cicadas in 1998.
"They were everywhere. You couldn't walk outside without getting hit in the
head with them and they were big," Zora Mallory recalled. "I am not scared
of bugs but I don't like bugs and I would rather they not be around me. You
would walk outside and they would crunch under your feet."
"I just remember all the noise," Anita Jean-Pierre Anita Jean-Pierre. "Very
noisy and they also freak me out."
"They were just every where," Ray Farris added. "[They] covered your window
s, covered your cars, dogs and cats chasing them and hiding from them. It is
just a nightmare for some people and then we aren't used to it down here in
the south."
Cicadas are completely harmless but they are very loud and the noise could a
ffect outdoor events in May like picnics or weddings.
The female cicadas can also cause damage to young trees when laying eggs.
Females prefer branches about the size of a pencil.
They cut into the underside of the branch and lay their eggs.
Dr. Hale recommends covering young fruit and ornamental trees with a thin cl
oth to keep the cicadas away from the branches.
发帖数: 10693

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – It has been more than a decade since Middle Tennessee ha
s dealt with swarms of cicadas.
The last time the 13-year periodical cicada emerged from the ground was in M
ay of 1998.
Come May of this year, most of Middle Tennessee will again see the cicadas,
according to Dr. Frank Hale, entomologist at the University of Tennessee Ext
He said the periodical cicada that will emerge this year is known as Brood X
Various populations are called broods and scientists use Roman numerals to d
esignate which brood they are referring to.
Brood XIX is expected to emerge from the ground in May "and they will come o
ut by the millions," according to Dr. Hale.
He added, "Brood XIX is the biggest brood that we have in Middle Tennessee.
It is encompassing most of Middle Tennessee, even some counties in east Ten
nessee and probably a few west of here."
The cicadas will start appearing in early May and live for about five to six
Most Middle Tennesseans remember the cicadas in 1998.
"They were everywhere. You couldn't walk outside without getting hit in the
head with them and they were big," Zora Mallory recalled. "I am not scared
of bugs but I don't like bugs and I would rather they not be around me. You
would walk outside and they would crunch under your feet."
"I just remember all the noise," Anita Jean-Pierre Anita Jean-Pierre. "Very
noisy and they also freak me out."
"They were just every where," Ray Farris added. "[They] covered your window
s, covered your cars, dogs and cats chasing them and hiding from them. It is
just a nightmare for some people and then we aren't used to it down here in
the south."
Cicadas are completely harmless but they are very loud and the noise could a
ffect outdoor events in May like picnics or weddings.
The female cicadas can also cause damage to young trees when laying eggs.
Females prefer branches about the size of a pencil.
They cut into the underside of the branch and lay their eggs.
Dr. Hale recommends covering young fruit and ornamental trees with a thin cl
oth to keep the cicadas away from the branches.

【在 i**1 的大作中提到】
: http://www.wkrn.com/story/14258427/13-year-cicada-will-soon-inv
: NASHVILLE, Tenn. – It has been more than a decade since Middle Tennessee ha
: s dealt with swarms of cicadas.
: The last time the 13-year periodical cicada emerged from the ground was in M
: ay of 1998.
: Come May of this year, most of Middle Tennessee will again see the cicadas,
: according to Dr. Frank Hale, entomologist at the University of Tennessee Ext
: ension.
: He said the periodical cicada that will emerge this year is known as Brood X
: IX.

发帖数: 607
发帖数: 20439
update:在从mcn到light hall的路上 发现知了尸体无数 还有的在地上缓慢地爬动
现在出来的这一批 都是身材较小的知了


【在 i**1 的大作中提到】
: http://www.wkrn.com/story/14258427/13-year-cicada-will-soon-inv
: NASHVILLE, Tenn. – It has been more than a decade since Middle Tennessee ha
: s dealt with swarms of cicadas.
: The last time the 13-year periodical cicada emerged from the ground was in M
: ay of 1998.
: Come May of this year, most of Middle Tennessee will again see the cicadas,
: according to Dr. Frank Hale, entomologist at the University of Tennessee Ext
: ension.
: He said the periodical cicada that will emerge this year is known as Brood X
: IX.

发帖数: 5274


【在 s***n 的大作中提到】
: 看不懂英语
: http://www.wkrn.com/story/14258427/13-year-cicada-will-soon-inv
: NASHVILLE, Tenn. – It has been more than a decade since Middle Tennessee ha
: s dealt with swarms of cicadas.
: The last time the 13-year periodical cicada emerged from the ground was in M
: ay of 1998.
: Come May of this year, most of Middle Tennessee will again see the cicadas,
: according to Dr. Frank Hale, entomologist at the University of Tennessee Ext
: ension.

1 (共1页)
鬼节到啦[公告] Tennessee 板的投票结果
热烈祝贺Vandy取得第六胜Tennessee impressions
Tennessee #1 Health Insurance insurance agent哪里卖豆浆
为啥田纳西叫志愿者州??The University of Tennessee Health Science Center 怎么样?
今年外面为什么那么多大飞虫?tennessee's tax free weekend
有谁知道关于NASHVILLE 的MUSIC BAR 的?Hello, Tennessee
话题: cicadas话题: middle话题: tennessee话题: brood话题: may