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TeX版 - environement nesting problem
请问 optimization 里面 constraint 里面的such that怎么写?
A question about eqnarray
公式长到把右边的公式编号给遮住了, 怎么办?
话题: nesting话题: tabular话题: latex
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1340
in latex, it is conceptually natural to embed environments inside
others, but it always gives me a lot of troubles in doing so. for
example, "eqnarray*" can not be embeded in a tabular. my questions
1. is there any rule-of-thumb which determines which environment
can be nested in another one and which can't?
2. is there any trick to by-pass these constraints? for example, i
might really wish to nest some equations inside a tabular.
发帖数: 493
Don't use LaTeX eqnarray. It's does not do a good job calculating spaces
and is not flexible. Learn to use the various alignment environments
provided by amsmath.sty instead.
The following should do what you want, except that the equation numbers
are automatically numbered in the order that the table is constructed.
If you want the equation number to go down the column automatically, it
will take more work.
The command \mitcmd and the environment "mitenv" are basically the same.
You can use wh

【在 p****o 的大作中提到】
: in latex, it is conceptually natural to embed environments inside
: others, but it always gives me a lot of troubles in doing so. for
: example, "eqnarray*" can not be embeded in a tabular. my questions
: are
: 1. is there any rule-of-thumb which determines which environment
: can be nested in another one and which can't?
: 2. is there any trick to by-pass these constraints? for example, i
: might really wish to nest some equations inside a tabular.
: thanks!

发帖数: 493
To answer your questions: There is no general rule of thumb about
the compatibility of environments when it comes to nesting them.
It all depends on the internal LaTeX code. If the environments
don't use tricks that involve the manipulation of character codes,
the horizontal/vertical/math modes, inserts (marginpar, footnote),
alignments, etc., then there is a better chance of compatibility.
In the case of putting aligned equations inside tabular, the &
character causes headache because LaTeX c

【在 p****o 的大作中提到】
: in latex, it is conceptually natural to embed environments inside
: others, but it always gives me a lot of troubles in doing so. for
: example, "eqnarray*" can not be embeded in a tabular. my questions
: are
: 1. is there any rule-of-thumb which determines which environment
: can be nested in another one and which can't?
: 2. is there any trick to by-pass these constraints? for example, i
: might really wish to nest some equations inside a tabular.
: thanks!

发帖数: 1340
thanks for the long reply, :).
personally, i think it would be great that all environments (or some
basic ones) can be nested without constraints. it is convenient and
conceptually good. maybe it hurts the performance and it's also hard
to implement.

【在 T*******n 的大作中提到】
: Don't use LaTeX eqnarray. It's does not do a good job calculating spaces
: and is not flexible. Learn to use the various alignment environments
: provided by amsmath.sty instead.
: The following should do what you want, except that the equation numbers
: are automatically numbered in the order that the table is constructed.
: If you want the equation number to go down the column automatically, it
: will take more work.
: The command \mitcmd and the environment "mitenv" are basically the same.
: You can use wh

1 (共1页)
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话题: nesting话题: tabular话题: latex