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Talk版 - Is "the universe exploded" or "the leather explosion".
Create such a law environmentNever endure hardship
Disciples can not be an exceptionDafa within all kinds of ugly
"No gay" or "gay combined pollution".Not all could not survive
God is absolutely not allowedThey have to ask the doctor to disease
Incredible: Master Li's sudden diseaseSee Master Li's political ambitions
Is the "law of the Yin disciple" or "punishment should be disciples".Who will save you Dafa disciples
"Illness" or "sick". ""Denigrate current law
Do you know the teacher Li ZhufoCover up the crime
话题: universe话题: li话题: explosion话题: master话题: exploded
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
"Cosmic explosion" said is a disciple of Master Li control instruments.
Although Master Li didn't Study hard, but about the universe, but not to the
point cloud information systems management Hu tong. "I got to the eighty-
one layer of the universe, in fact, more than eighty-one layers, the human
figure is calculated. Because the number of people is the largest trillion,
with the Buddha to calculate the maximum number is robbed, it is equivalent
to a robbery of two billion years, two billion years constitute a robbery."
("Li Hongzhi New York" in the United States in 1997.) then in order to raise
their boast, said: "I said is the universe, and the universe is one of the
largest, from top to bottom to cosmic beings, different levels of God and
human life to create such a law environment". ("Li Hongzhi said" in Europe
in 1998) in order to strengthen the disciples of his worship, Master Li and
fudge "Earth's first explosion is my master set, the second explosion is my
master set, the third explosion was set to me. I have made it a little
harder to let the earth explode 30 years later, "" we've had a great
catastrophe in the universe every time we go through a long time in the
future. This disaster has caused all of the universe, including the stars,
to be destroyed, and all life in the universe can be destroyed." ("Zhuan
Falun") finally, Li Zhufo did not forget to throw the attractive killer, "
the world is about to encounter a big disaster, only to know the
organization." How to save the earth, only follow the master to practice
Falun Dafa piety, learning, in order to turn calamities into blessings when
disaster comes to another planet, "happy" to music. A flicker, a ruin, but
today, the earth safe and sound, the universe only master Li's safe and
sound, no longer palpable lies "circle"!
1 (共1页)
Cover up the crimeIncredible: Master Li's sudden disease
How love you again let the discipleIs the "law of the Yin disciple" or "punishment should be disciples".
Double embarrassment: God always blinded"Illness" or "sick". ""
Can't afford the timeDo you know the teacher Li Zhufo
Create such a law environmentNever endure hardship
Disciples can not be an exceptionDafa within all kinds of ugly
"No gay" or "gay combined pollution".Not all could not survive
God is absolutely not allowedThey have to ask the doctor to disease
话题: universe话题: li话题: explosion话题: master话题: exploded