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Taiwan版 - China Feb. Trade Data Worsens but Car Sale Up
Taiwan Nov. Exports Plunge 23%More Bad News for Ma Administration
国际专家质疑中国经济增长率Can We Mail Milk Powder to China?
Entrepreneur's Side of the StoryChina Nov. Export Fall
Taiwan's Nov. Unemployment Rate JumpsTaiwan's Exports Fall by a Record 44.1%
Sky Falling on MaJapan Exports in Free Fall, Worse Than Taiwan's
China Has Slackened Labor RegulationsTaiwan exports fall for sixth straight month
Re: Breaking News: China Mar. Export to US Down Sharply (转载)US Imports less and Less from China
Re: 中国五次失去收复南沙的绝佳时机 (转载)China May exports, imports fall more steeply
话题: china话题: car话题: trade话题: sale话题: data
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
Joe Mcdonald, China's exports plunge again, but car sales rise; China's
exports plunge, but rising auto sales and Japanese machinery orders provide
some cheer. Associated Press, Mar. 11, 2009 (4 hours ago).
(All data, trade and car sale, are year-on-year)
1 (共1页)
China May exports, imports fall more steeplySky Falling on Ma
嫌早餐太贵的同学··· (转载)China Has Slackened Labor Regulations
毛子停气罗~~~Re: Breaking News: China Mar. Export to US Down Sharply (转载)
中国有什么办法对付波兰这条狗?Re: 中国五次失去收复南沙的绝佳时机 (转载)
Taiwan Nov. Exports Plunge 23%More Bad News for Ma Administration
国际专家质疑中国经济增长率Can We Mail Milk Powder to China?
Entrepreneur's Side of the StoryChina Nov. Export Fall
Taiwan's Nov. Unemployment Rate JumpsTaiwan's Exports Fall by a Record 44.1%
话题: china话题: car话题: trade话题: sale话题: data