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Taiwan版 - Re: 喜欢上有女友的男生 (转载)
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陸客若亂吐痰 當場告發罰錢Re: 论忽悠本事 烙印还是比不过美华 (转载)
Re: 乙肝,恋爱的困惑 (转载)网上听台湾广播---News98 时时刻刻报新闻
Re: 在美国就要珍惜所拥有的Freedom (转载)三一八大游行
研究生, 海归卖猪肉imatlab 封 webags 在 Taiwan
Re: 喜欢一个韩国哥哥,苦恼中,大家看看怎么办? (转载)又出差一趟回来了
Advice on Love from 2 Syndicated Columnists李远贼又出来了
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发帖数: 6973
【 以下文字转载自 Love 讨论区 】
发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Love
标 题: Re: 喜欢上有女友的男生
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 3 12:25:03 2008)
A man originally from Taiwan, I have lived in US for more than 20 years.
There are a few I can't comprehend in your posting. For instance: "ppt"?
Also, if he drives you to school (?) every day, how come you have not seen
him for a month?
I don't know how long your classmate has been in US. As for me, I have been
here for such a long time, I follow American rules. In fact, I don't know of
发帖数: 6973
发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Love
标 题: Re: 喜欢上有女友的男生
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 4 13:35:35 2008)
Last night I recalled how Hillary and Bill Clinton met in Yale Law School,
according to their autobiographies. Hillary was sleeping with another law
student. Neither Hillary nor Bill cared.
Perhaps that was another era (early 1970s), another mores (Sexual Revolution
was on-going). I have not read things like that. Maybe because family
newspapers are tame--and lame. Or maybe the advice columnists are invariably

【在 c**i 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Love 讨论区 】
: 发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Love
: 标 题: Re: 喜欢上有女友的男生
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Nov 3 12:25:03 2008)
: A man originally from Taiwan, I have lived in US for more than 20 years.
: There are a few I can't comprehend in your posting. For instance: "ppt"?
: Also, if he drives you to school (?) every day, how come you have not seen
: him for a month?
: I don't know how long your classmate has been in US. As for me, I have been
: here for such a long time, I follow American rules. In fact, I don't know of

发帖数: 6973
发信人: choi (choi), 信区: Love
标 题: Re: 喜欢上有女友的男生
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 9 13:57:41 2008)
To Ashininside: I thought this matter over but had no time to write in the
pat week. Today is Sunday, and I find time.
You wrote in the original posting: "发现喜欢他的时候还不知道他有无女友,但心
里稍微是有点谱的。做第二个term project的时候,他们组里加进了一个孟加拉国女生
Well, in Taiwan it is the NORM not to have any friend of opposite sexin
college, not to mention boyfriend or girlfriend. You see, Taiwan is crazy,
1 (共1页)
Hotel in Taiwan研究生, 海归卖猪肉
Phlin: Why Taiwan Prints Two BallotsRe: 喜欢一个韩国哥哥,苦恼中,大家看看怎么办? (转载)
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what to bring to Taiwan國務機要費
Driving in Taiwan一本血泪史
陸客若亂吐痰 當場告發罰錢Re: 论忽悠本事 烙印还是比不过美华 (转载)
Re: 乙肝,恋爱的困惑 (转载)网上听台湾广播---News98 时时刻刻报新闻
Re: 在美国就要珍惜所拥有的Freedom (转载)三一八大游行
话题: us话题: nov话题: taiwan话题: hillary话题: 上有