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Taiwan版 - Rising Dissent Within KMT
Taiwan Inflation Quicks to Fastest in 8 Months称台湾人or台湾同胞?这根本不重要!
To KMT Members and Sympathizers原创:继广东之后,2008年山东江苏GDP将超越台湾 (转载)
Taiwan Sept. Employment Rate 4.27%Ma Administration AStarts Having Doubts on China
All Will Be PardonedSigh! The Ma administration.
中国官员否认拟在国外种粮食 (转载)美对台军售,中国能怎样?
Fewer and Fewer Chinese Marry Taiwanesetaiwan经济现在好像真的很惨?
Defense News Reports on Mass Arrests of DPP OfficialsNews summary on China
Re: 注意措辞, 马当选的是渔村村长, 不是总统 (转载)台湾教师每月需要多少钱才能生存?
话题: kmt话题: ma话题: within话题: ying话题: pres
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6973
My comment: Fissures appeared long ago within KMT (there is no need to talk
about DPP, which is impotent). Ever since Ma Ying-jeou was sworn in as
president, KMT-affiliated Legislators have complained bitterly about his
administration, the first open warfare being KMT-dominated Legislature
rejection of Pres. Ma Ying-jeou's nominees for Control Yuan 監察院. The
relationship between executive branch and legislative branch has been
strained. It is hard for me to tell if it is because Pres. Ma has appo
1 (共1页)
台湾教师每月需要多少钱才能生存?中国官员否认拟在国外种粮食 (转载)
Taiwan's Worth if China Pays CashFewer and Fewer Chinese Marry Taiwanese
Sky Falling on MaDefense News Reports on Mass Arrests of DPP Officials
要回国了,不是一般的困惑中。。。。。 (转载)Re: 注意措辞, 马当选的是渔村村长, 不是总统 (转载)
Taiwan Inflation Quicks to Fastest in 8 Months称台湾人or台湾同胞?这根本不重要!
To KMT Members and Sympathizers原创:继广东之后,2008年山东江苏GDP将超越台湾 (转载)
Taiwan Sept. Employment Rate 4.27%Ma Administration AStarts Having Doubts on China
All Will Be PardonedSigh! The Ma administration.
话题: kmt话题: ma话题: within话题: ying话题: pres