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TVGame版 - DLC now means Disc Locked Content
CAPCOM名嘴稻船敬二表示DMC5为照顾市场将全面加入”西方触觉BioShock 2's DLC on disc already?
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格斗游戏里面xbox 250G $200似乎比kinect bundle $200更加合算啊
《街霸X铁拳》《街霸3.3网战版》公布(ZZ)[BlazBlue Continuum Shift][苍翼默示录\蔚蓝光辉]
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话题: dlc话题: disc话题: capcom话题: content话题: already
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 17096
by Kakarot
Developers must believe that we are stupid when it comes to DLC on video
Obviously the most recent uproar was yesterday when it was discovered that
Capcom's DLC characters were already distributed on their game disc of "
Street Fighter X Tekken", by some guy on YouTube. The reason why this is bad
is because it shows that developers aren't creating new bonus content after
their software has been released, but have already designed games and are
purposely withholding features by "locking" them on your disc and you paying
to "unlock" these features after already spending $60 for the game.
If you do the math, that is 12 DLC for $5 each, so another $60 for all.
Capcom intends to sell you a full retail game for $60 and then milk you for
$60 to "unlock" content that has already been created and stored on your
Yes, I'm sure most us who actually pay attention to file sizes, aren't
surprised, but it doesn't change the fact it is wrong. When I pay money and
see the update is around 100KB, I know "what's up".
Now Capcom responded to the outcry yesterday saying that it is true and the
reason they do this is to sell "unlock" codes so that you save HDD space and
bandwidth. Now, if you personally believe that character skins and .wav
voices, take up a huge amount of HDD.... Capcom must be your hero.
The ethical problem with this is the fact that DLC was originally a means of
developers increasing longevity and viability of a game. But it has become
nothing more than greed.
As Vita owners, with the ease of access of the PS store, we can see that
this already affects us, by looking at games like BlazBlue which sells
announcer voices of characters at $5.99 a pop. The file size? 100kb. You can
actually preview the announcer voices inside the game, because it already
resides within the game data.
The point of the post is mainly to inform and also for me to vent/rant about
something that won't be changing anytime soon. The only way to really voice
dissent is to not purchase games from companies that support such policies,
which only means that they will change their policy to not release DLC on
the actual disc, but will still do the same practice, server-side.
I'm just sad because
DLC != Downloadable Content
but instead
DLC = Disc Locked Content
Report: Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Already on Disc | GamePolitics
Capcom explains Street Fighter X Tekken on-disc DLC - GameSpot.com
发帖数: 53215


【在 s****t 的大作中提到】
: 以下内容转帖
: by Kakarot
: Developers must believe that we are stupid when it comes to DLC on video
: games.
: Obviously the most recent uproar was yesterday when it was discovered that
: Capcom's DLC characters were already distributed on their game disc of "
: Street Fighter X Tekken", by some guy on YouTube. The reason why this is bad
: is because it shows that developers aren't creating new bonus content after
: their software has been released, but have already designed games and are
: purposely withholding features by "locking" them on your disc and you paying

1 (共1页)
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CAPCOM名嘴稻船敬二表示DMC5为照顾市场将全面加入”西方触觉BioShock 2's DLC on disc already?
求推荐一些xbox下比较好的对打游戏Rumor: just revealed Gears of War Ultimate might be Kinect
格斗游戏里面xbox 250G $200似乎比kinect bundle $200更加合算啊
《街霸X铁拳》《街霸3.3网战版》公布(ZZ)[BlazBlue Continuum Shift][苍翼默示录\蔚蓝光辉]
话题: dlc话题: disc话题: capcom话题: content话题: already