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交作业了:F1-H1总结 --我的理解和一个弱智问题。请问我们该以什么方式报税?jointly or separate?
列一下OPT-H1 First Year Choice报税要交的表child tax credit一定要交8901form?
W4表的一些问题和我还要填 form 8233吗?f1-opt 期间在公司工作还能否享受5000免税
请教:直接从大陆来的H1B,可以免什么税吗F1-OPT-H1 Dual Status的心得
F1 NR or RA?请问NRA 银行利息免税 依据在哪?
请教一个J1转F2缴税的问题J1签证NRA withhold 30% 如何退税
话题: plan话题: india话题: 401话题: document
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4074
401(k)s for nonresidents
June 6, 2000: 8:34 a.m. ET
Should you set up a retirement plan in a country you may not stay in for
NEW YORK (CNNfn) - As the global market develops, more and more U.S.
companies are hiring people from other countries who become eligible for 401
(k) plans. But there are different rules for taxes and distributions.
In response to a reader's question, Mark Groesbeck, a certified financial
planner from Houston and a member of the Financial Planning Association,
suggested thoroughly investigating the company's "plan document" before
making any hasty decisions.
I came from India to work as a software professional in the United States. I
can work here for six years with a visa, but if I don't get a green card I'
ll have to go back to India. I am interested in investing 15 percent of my
salary in my 401(k) plan. But what happens if I have to return to India in
2004? Can I get the entire amount I've invested in my 401(k) back? Will I
have to pay taxes and a penalty? Do you think it's a good idea for me to
invest in this plan?
Retirement plans are established with something called a "plan document." A
plan document outlines who can participate, the contribution limits, the
investment options, plan distributions, and other important information.
Assuming that you, as a so-called "nonresident alien" (NRA), have met rules
to participate in the company 401(k) plan, the IRS will assign you a tax
identification number. The tax ID number will be in lieu of a Social
Security number.
When an NRA leaves the company, and perhaps the country, it is the plan
document that dictates when the former employee will be allowed to leave the
assets in the plan or if the NRA will have to distribute the assets.
NRAs do have some special rules on the taxation of plan distributions from
qualified plans. The plan administrator will have additional forms that you
will need to complete before having assets distributed.
I would suggest you consult with your company plan administrator about
participating in the plan, and then discuss what the plan document will
require for distributions if you return to India.
1 (共1页)
Re: 问下RothIRA的问题F1 NR or RA?
请教几个问题,Resident Alien, NY请教一个J1转F2缴税的问题
Form 8901废了, F-1 NRA 怎么 claim Child tax credit?退税问题
交作业了:F1-H1总结 --我的理解和一个弱智问题。请问我们该以什么方式报税?jointly or separate?
列一下OPT-H1 First Year Choice报税要交的表child tax credit一定要交8901form?
W4表的一些问题和我还要填 form 8233吗?f1-opt 期间在公司工作还能否享受5000免税
话题: plan话题: india话题: 401话题: document