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TAX版 - 康州报税 急求帮助
OPT转H1B,来美第7年,纽约州能按non-resident报税吗?resident 表8843的第12项
麻省的学生在报州税的时候算是resident不是non-resident?第6年 OPT中, 有1042S, 需要附上8843吗?
resident F1 学生还要交8843吗?F1 第6年 填8843一问
纽约州residency的问题按 resident 填 1040 表,还用填8843表格吗?
请问:州税的resident和nonresident的概念是和联邦税一致吗?1040和 8833一起,应该寄到哪里?
话题: permanent话题: resident话题: year话题: taxable
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 54
2011年整年都住在康州,租house, 也在康州工作。10.1从F1-opt转为H1B。似乎州对
Domicile (permanent legal residence) is the place you intend to have as your
permanent home. It is the place you intend to return to whenever you are
away. You can have only one domicile although you may have more than one
place to live.
Your domicile does not change until you move to a new location and
definitely intend to make your permanent home there. If you move to a new
location but intend to stay there only for a limited also applies if you are
working in a foreign country.
Permanent place of abode is a residence (a building or structure where a
person can live) that you permanently maintain, whether or not you own it,
and generally includes a residence owned by or leased to your spouse. A
place of abode is not permanent if it is maintained only during a temporary
stay for the accomplishment
of a particular purpose.
You are a resident for the 2011 taxable year if:
• Connecticut was your domicile (permanent legal residence) for the
entire 2011 taxable year; or
• You maintained a permanent place of abode in Connecticut during the
entire 2011 taxable year and spent a total of more than 183 days in
Connecticut during the 2011 taxable year. Nonresident aliens who meet either
of these conditions are considered Connecticut residents even if federal
Form 1040NR-EZ or federal Form 1040NR is filed for federal income tax
You are a part-year resident for the 2011 taxable year if you changed your
permanent legal residence by moving into or out of Connecticut during the
2011 taxable year. Part-year residents may not elect to be treated as
resident individuals.
我是算resident还是non-resident, 还是Part-year resident啊。
另外老公也是在康州上学 F1, 应该是NON-RESIDENT对吗。
1 (共1页)
1040和 8833一起,应该寄到哪里?2012年毕业,搬出纽约州去外州工作,请教报纽约州税问题
1040EZ和8843的问题resident F1 学生还要交8843吗?
请教Publication 519关于resident or nonresident的问题,感谢!!!纽约州residency的问题
急问: 满五年的F1填8843表的一个问题请问:州税的resident和nonresident的概念是和联邦税一致吗?
OPT转H1B,来美第7年,纽约州能按non-resident报税吗?resident 表8843的第12项
麻省的学生在报州税的时候算是resident不是non-resident?第6年 OPT中, 有1042S, 需要附上8843吗?
话题: permanent话题: resident话题: year话题: taxable