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Stock版 - Top And Bottom Performing Funds, Dec. 2015
JP Morgan faces US currency trading probe【给股版众生一个既傻逼又牛逼的办法】
Business Insider: Greece has a major debt repayment to make in the next 24 hours靠,又暴涨了!
大家说一说欧洲今天为什么先涨再跌吧阐述为什么要做High Frequency Trading
Simple facts of trading golden/death cross (转载)An Excellent ES Journal
股市不是赌场beat the index
NYSE 有20%以上股票创了52星期新高自认是大牛的就应该定期亮一下账户的统计数据
Multiple time frame based indicator最大的问题Day-trade太难了.
话题: fund话题: aam话题: return话题: returns话题: bottom
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3577
AAM Absolute Return Fund, the Dublin, Ireland-based $184 million global long
/ short hedge fund run by Harold James Offerhaug popped into first place
with a stunning 42.08% year to date return, besting Higher Moment Capital
Opportunities fund by nearly ten percentage points based on reporting as of
December 18. The fund, which was reported to have nearly double the assets
under management in previous years, appeared intermittently on the HSBC
platform. In 2012 AAM’s prime broker was Morgan Stanley and it had a
custodial relationship with JPMorgan as well as close ties to UBS. The fund
’s current brokerage relationship status is not public.
The roller coaster ride that is the AAM returns profile is on a high, but in
2014 investors were not enjoying the thrill as the fund finished 9th from
the bottom with a -11.15 percent return. The fund’s annualized volatility
of 10.08% and the worst drawdown of -17.90% might seem to hit many
institutional investors check box for appropriate risk, but a detailed look
at the returns profile indicates returns that come in bunches and are not
easily correlated to market environment beta.
1 (共1页)
back testing result of my swing trading systemNYSE 有20%以上股票创了52星期新高
紫晶指的方向一般都对!Multiple time frame based indicator最大的问题
JP Morgan faces US currency trading probe【给股版众生一个既傻逼又牛逼的办法】
Business Insider: Greece has a major debt repayment to make in the next 24 hours靠,又暴涨了!
大家说一说欧洲今天为什么先涨再跌吧阐述为什么要做High Frequency Trading
Simple facts of trading golden/death cross (转载)An Excellent ES Journal
话题: fund话题: aam话题: return话题: returns话题: bottom