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Stock版 - Windows takes 7.5% of the tablet market in first quarter sh (转载)
Microsoft Surface Pro 128G $600
如果微软surface pro卖799
短期(3-6月)內可以short Apple了
Microsoft 为什么回收iPad ?
iPad mini这次风头不如Surface RT
话题: surface话题: microsoft话题: android话题: tablet话题: tablets
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 23938
【 以下文字转载自 PDA 讨论区 】
发信人: oneofall (Gotit), 信区: PDA
标 题: Windows takes 7.5% of the tablet market in first quarter sh
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Apr 25 11:54:04 2013, 美东)
Apple sold a total of 19.5 million iPads during the first quarter of the
year, representing a mix of full-sized iPads and iPad Minis. (Apple didn't
provide a breakdown of its individual tablet sales.) That gave Apple a
leading position with 48.2% of the tablet market. That's down markedly,
however, from the 63.1% of the tablet market Apple held a year ago. Those
fifteen percentage points went mostly to Android tablets, but also to
Windows-based tablets.
Sales of all Android-branded tablets combined reached 17.6 million units
during the first quarter. That includes devices such as the Samsung Galaxy
Note 10.1, Google Nexus 7 and others. Those 17.6 million tablets gave
Android 43.4% of the tablet market. A year ago, Android controlled only 34.2
% of the tablet market with sales of 6.4 million units. Android saw year-
over-year growth of 177%. The gap between the iPad and Android tablets
spanned 28.9 percentage points during Q1 2012, and now it only spans 4.8.
Apple has been ceding tablet market share to Google since the first Android
tablets hit the market, so these numbers aren't all that surprising.
Microsoft's entry into the market with devices such as the Surface and
Surface Pro, however, had a noticeable effect, too.
A year ago, Microsoft essentially contributed nothing to tablet sales. The
Surface and Surface Pro together managed to take 7.5% of the tablet market
during the first quarter of 2013 with shipments of about 3 million units.
That's a solid entry for Microsoft, despite its tablets' high-cost and less-
than-stellar reviews. The Surface runs Windows RT and retails for $499,
while the Surface Pro runs Windows 8 and costs a whopping $899 (nearly twice
the cost of the entry-level, full-sized iPad).
Strategy Analytics refers to Microsoft's small portion of the tablet market
as a "niche" thanks to "very limited distribution, a shortage of top tier
apps and confusion in the market." Those points may be true, but it's not
giving Microsoft the credit it deserves. The Surface and Surface Pro didn't
reach the market until the last quarter of 2012 and midway through the first
quarter of 2013, respectively. That means Microsoft went from 0% to 7.5%
pretty quickly.
How Microsoft's tablets fare moving forward will depend on what it does with
its two tablet operating systems and how it handles Win8. Microsoft also
needs to drop the price of its high-end Surface Pro to something more
competitive with the iPad and inexpensive Android tablets.
It's clear demand for tablets, whether they're from Apple, Google or
Microsoft, continues to be strong.
发帖数: 23938
这还只是surface和surface pro. 更不用说微软还有降价的大杀器没用呢。
发帖数: 9649
1 (共1页)
broader market seems very healthy,
GOP is filibustering Reid Bill !
BB收紧了, 是不是意味着要井喷了?
建议版主置顶血的教训 1.
Tablet PC 现在很火嘛
Re: 我相信苹果的平板 (转载)
话题: surface话题: microsoft话题: android话题: tablet话题: tablets