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Stock版 - 新泽西的共和党州长被报复了
Boehner Said to Tell Republicans Positive Signal Needed for Asian Markets下周暴跌
天哪! 暴跌!!!Economy Adds 103,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate Stays 9.1%
纽约时报 奥巴马拒绝共和党的dealBoehner: GOP ready to act alone on debt deal
话题: christie话题: new话题: relief话题: house话题: republican
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2408
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie dropped a bomb on Republican House Speaker
John Boehner and Congress for refusing to allow a vote on Hurricane Sandy
relief in the final hours of the 112th Congress. It was an instant classic
of principled political outrage. It provided a strong dose of what
Washington has been missing: blunt, independent leadership.
John Avlon
Christie prosecuted the case by pointing out that hurricane relief had been
provided more quickly to others: For victims of Katrina after 10 days and
victims of Hurricane Andrew in Florida after 30 days. But residents of the
New Jersey and New York coast have been waiting 65 days to date for some
Christie also accurately pointed out that Northeast states such as New
Jersey and New York send more to the federal government in taxes than they
get back in federal aid, unlike many of the red states represented by
conservatives in Congress. The "makers versus takers" narratives fall apart
fast when confronted with reality.
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Pulling no punches, Christie declared: "Last night, the House majority
failed most basic test of leadership and they did so with callous disregard
to the people of my state. ... It was disappointing and disgusting to watch.
" He also unapologetically named names: "There's only one group to blame ...
the House majority, and their Speaker, John Boehner." He added that the
relief bill "just could not overcome the toxic internal politics of the
House majority."
But Christie also took the high road in terms of decrying the overall
atmosphere of hyperpartisanship in D.C., arguing correctly that "Americans
are tired of the palace intrigue and political partisanship of this Congress
... this used to be something that was not political. Disaster relief was
something that you didn't play games with."
Sandy relief funds stalled in Washington
Christie's broadside drew widespread praise on the Web.
One tweet I saw from "Ronnie" in Chicago seemed typical: "His dedication to
his State is inspiring. I'm a democrat but damn, Christie's won me over. He
has a damn heart."
Christie's fury was backed up by similar straight talk from New York
Republican Congressman Peter King of Long Island.
He blasted House leadership on CNN Wednesday morning: "I would say the
Republican Party has said it is the party of family values," he said. "Last
night it turned its back on the most essential value of all, and that is to
provide food, shelter, clothing and relief for people who have been hit by a
natural disaster. And I would say that the Republican Party has turned its
back on those people."
This display of independence was a reminder that there is a distinct brand
of tough Northeastern Republicans -- people such as Christie, King and Rudy
Giuliani -- who don't simply toe the line with party leadership or
ideological litmus tests. Largely as a result, they are able to connect with
centrists and independent voters and win on Democratic turf. This is a
lesson for national Republicans as they look to reach out beyond their base.
Christie and King's principled independence and tough talk against their own
party leadership brought results.
Within hours, Boehner and Republican House leadership announced that they
would vote for an initial round of Sandy relief on Friday, followed by a
vote on the remaining amount on January 15.
Conservative activist groups such as Americans for Prosperity, the Club for
Growth and Heritage Action all pressured congressional Republicans to vote
against Hurricane Sandy relief, and while they helped block a bill from
coming to a vote on New Year's Eve, the swift and unsubtle backlash brought
a wise reassessment.
All this is a reminder that straight talk in politics is so rare that it
stands out and carries more than its own weight in civic debates. It cuts
through the spin and resonates beyond party lines because it is credible and
rooted in reality.
Most importantly, it gets results. Boehner's turnaround brought to mind a
comment made by Christie during his press conference: "No one is beyond
发帖数: 8367
title seems opposite le Lol

【在 g**********2 的大作中提到】
: 大选前飓风帮O8了一把,今天被共和党报复了。
: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie dropped a bomb on Republican House Speaker
: John Boehner and Congress for refusing to allow a vote on Hurricane Sandy
: relief in the final hours of the 112th Congress. It was an instant classic
: of principled political outrage. It provided a strong dose of what
: Washington has been missing: blunt, independent leadership.
: John Avlon
: Christie prosecuted the case by pointing out that hurricane relief had been
: provided more quickly to others: For victims of Katrina after 10 days and
: victims of Hurricane Andrew in Florida after 30 days. But residents of the

1 (共1页)
Boehner: GOP ready to act alone on debt deal大家说说这次政府会关多久?
Boehner: GOP ready to act alone on debt deal共和党又乱来了,美国债务违约有可能!!!!
debt扯哪儿了?纽约时报 奥巴马拒绝共和党的deal
Boehner Said to Tell Republicans Positive Signal Needed for Asian Markets下周暴跌
天哪! 暴跌!!!Economy Adds 103,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate Stays 9.1%
话题: christie话题: new话题: relief话题: house话题: republican