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Stock版 - Obama VS "Bain partner" Romney
How to get rich in US? get dividendBank of america bankrupts
BP will not bankrupt, but will under 30IPO history of GOOGLE
AMR破产了?胡言乱语, FNMAS
纠结:大选去不去投票What to do with sTec stock after it was acquired (Cash buyout)
C 要reverse split了SHARE BUY BACK 买回来的SHARE 怎么处理?
AMR 还不割,你要赔光才能长记性吗?What will you get to do?
Yellow Truck BankruptsOCZ buyout rumor
话题: bain话题: romney话题: mr话题: philosophy话题: obama
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 617
"That's been his philosophy in the private sector," Obama said of his rival.
"That's been his philosophy as governor. That's been his philosophy as a
presidential candidate. You can make a lot of money and pay lower tax rates
than somebody who makes a lot less."
"You can ship jobs overseas and get tax breaks for it. You can invest in a
country, bankrupt it, lay off the workers, strip away their pensions and you
still make money. That's exactly the philosophy that we've seen in place
for the last decade," the president said in a scorching summation.
--- as we all saw, Bain Partner Mr. Romney, did exactly these: ship jobs
overseas and get tax breaks; invest in a company, bankrupt it, lay off the
workers, strip away their pensions and make money. That's what Bain did,
for many years, when Mr. Romney was a partner. And Mr. Romney, is still a
major shareholder of Bain.
发帖数: 15334
Bullshit, Bain make most of the money from their successful investments.
They don't intentionally bankrupt any company. But when some of their
investment isn't doing too good, they have no choice but pull out and
salvage what they could.
发帖数: 5732
罗姆尼也回击了, 奥巴不也让GM 破产了吗? 所以别拿破产重组说事, 就是个不得不
要么破产, 要么印钱, 这两样奥巴马都在做。 如果奥巴马不能印钱, 他也能疯狂的
让公司破产, 别提什么pension了


【在 d*******e 的大作中提到】
: "That's been his philosophy in the private sector," Obama said of his rival.
: "That's been his philosophy as governor. That's been his philosophy as a
: presidential candidate. You can make a lot of money and pay lower tax rates
: than somebody who makes a lot less."
: "You can ship jobs overseas and get tax breaks for it. You can invest in a
: country, bankrupt it, lay off the workers, strip away their pensions and you
: still make money. That's exactly the philosophy that we've seen in place
: for the last decade," the president said in a scorching summation.
: --- as we all saw, Bain Partner Mr. Romney, did exactly these: ship jobs
: overseas and get tax breaks; invest in a company, bankrupt it, lay off the

1 (共1页)
OCZ buyout rumor为什么油工28%的税,Romney交13%的税
今天跌的比较干脆C 要reverse split了
中国首次超美国 成世界第一大能源消耗国AMR 还不割,你要赔光才能长记性吗?
YHOO是不行了Yellow Truck Bankrupts
How to get rich in US? get dividendBank of america bankrupts
BP will not bankrupt, but will under 30IPO history of GOOGLE
AMR破产了?胡言乱语, FNMAS
纠结:大选去不去投票What to do with sTec stock after it was acquired (Cash buyout)
话题: bain话题: romney话题: mr话题: philosophy话题: obama