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Stock版 - aapl完蛋了
李泽钜的第1份成绩单:长江和记上半年挣180亿 (转载)喊的响,bp 15,...... 7.5, 不敢烧, 啥心理?
梅超风说:我赌黑大个儿赢退休的人/Insurance companies/Pension Fund 被害惨了
Whitney Predicts Obama Bank Plan Pass zz这算盘,买美国地产,给三年签证 (转载)
女性ETF:追踪那些女领导人的公司 (转载)pump INTC
今天 f 怎么跌了这么多?同学们,太平盛世啊!美国的明天一马平川!
各位大牛,将炒股所得按business 报税急问天上掉馅饼
电话公司都要被Obama的医改搞死了Detroit files for bankruptcy
请问退税多了怎么回事?In the last 10 yrs, only 1 DOW component go belly up
话题: apple话题: said话题: he话题: marinovich话题: shares
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发帖数: 5417
产增长几百万美元,一个一个介绍他们的经历。看过新闻后没多久,房产bubble burst.
(Reuters) - When Anton Marinovich turned 18, his grandmother gave him $1,000
with strict instructions to invest in the stock market. He chose Apple Inc
Seventeen years later, his investment is worth more than $240,000 and will
bring him over $1,000 a quarter through the company's new dividend plan.
"It's pretty bananas," Marinovich said. "I always hear about all these
people here in Silicon Valley falling into huge luck, but I never thought it
would happen to me," said Marinovich, who is the director of sales at
Equilar, a Redwood City, California-based executive compensation consultant.
Watching Apple shares soar more than 77 percent over the past 12 months has
been a wild ride for people like Marinovich, who are firmly planted in the
cult of Apple. Between him and his fiancee they own two iPhones, two
MacBooks an iPad and 400 shares of Apple.
Many loyalists bought stock years ago when shares languished at double-digit
prices. The held on to it out of a love for the company and its products.
Now, they are being richly rewarded by a share price of around $600 and a
rich dividend payout from Apple's cash pile of nearly $100 billion.
Nearly two dozen individual Apple shareholders interviewed by Reuters say
they are not going on crazy spending sprees or vacations to Fiji, de spite
the huge windfall they could get by cashing out. Practically none of them
said they plan to sell, a loyalty that gives some of their financial
planners heartburn.
That's not to say they aren't treating themselves - or breathing a little
Marinovich said the comfort of his Apple investment cushion means more
freedom in his spending habits. He recently bought himself a $2,000 Omega
watch and is shopping for a new Audi to replace his Volkswagen Jetta.
Retiree Pat Harshbarger, 79, has seen her $13,800 investment in Apple rise
to $46,000. That paper wealth has made the former nurse comfortable enough
to consider taking a few more trips to Maine to visit family and one to Las
Vegas, where she and her husband want to try their hand at the slot machines
, she said.
Seventy-one years old Stan Merkin, a retired Dell and IBM programmer whose
portfolio has gained about $100,000 just by buying Apple since late last
year, said he will buy another 50 shares if the stock hits $650.
"What I have made in Apple gives me comfort about how I can live in
retirement," he said.
Many loyal Apple shareholders see the stock as a "safety net" for their
futures, one they believe only goes up.
"I am a firm believer in the company," said Marinovich's 31-year-old brother
Erik M arinovich, who also bought 50 shares of Apple with money from his
grandmother. The investment is now worth $60,000 more than he paid. "I am
going to stay in this until retirement."
For Apple lovers in their 30s and 40s - those who bore the brunt of both the
dot-com crash and financial meltdown - holding Apple feels a responsible
Nate Landau, 38, lived at the edge of the dot-com boom and bust. He has
worked at eight different companies, mostly in the technology sector, since
1996. He still remembers the night his father brought home the Amiga 1000,
Apple's first computer, when he was 10 years old.
"I just remember using Mac Paint and really being blown away," said Landau,
who once insisted a new employer provide him with a Mac even though the rest
of the company had PCs.
"I see Apple as my rainy day fund," said Landau, who is now managing
director of Internet publisher Food Republic. His investment of $15,000 in
Apple stock 12 years ago is now worth $60,000 even though he sold 200 of his
Kristi Faulkner recalls a similar experience when she saw her first Mac
Classic in a high school art classroom in Grand Prairie, Texas.
"It had this little, tiny four by six screen and it was the coolest art tool
I had ever seen," said Faulkner, who with her two daughters currently own
two Mac desktops, three MacBooks, two iPhones and countless iPods, iTouches
and nanos.
Faulkner, now 44, is president of Womenkind, a marketing agency that targets
women. She still feels a strong connection to Apple - one that extends to
her stock.
"Apple made computers accessible to me as a girl and as an artist," she said
. "If it dives tomorrow, I am not selling."
That kind of emotional attachment makes financial advisers more than a
little nervous.
When Faulkner signed up with a financial adviser a year ago, all of her
savings was invested in Apple and Internet search giant Google (GOOG.O).
"She told me to sell it and I said, 'are you kidding'," Faulkner said. She
did trim back from 250 to 155 shares in Apple, but still made m o re than $
82,500 off Apple since 2005.
Financial advisers regularly warn Apple groupies to get out of owning so
much Apple - before they regret it.
"My broker is constantly calling me to tell me to sell it," said Jeff
Gonzalez, a 31-year-old advertising director whose portfolio has gained more
than $16,500 from the 31 shares of Apple he bought in 2005. "Every week I
call him up and say 'Look you are wrong, it's gone up again'."
"Nothing is going to make me sell," Gonzalez said.
Even Apple lovers who are in the financial business have a hard time staying
Matt Reiner, a 25-year-old financial adviser whose investment in 40 shares
of Apple has gained about $11,000, knows he should get out while the going
is good.
"I know there is so much euphoria around Apple, but it's very hard to sell a
stock which seemingly has its products in everyone's hands," he said.
(Reporting By Jessica Toonkel; Editing by Jennifer Merritt and Tim Dobbyn)
1 (共1页)
In the last 10 yrs, only 1 DOW component go belly up今天 f 怎么跌了这么多?
我来说说AAPL各位大牛,将炒股所得按business 报税急问
李泽钜的第1份成绩单:长江和记上半年挣180亿 (转载)喊的响,bp 15,...... 7.5, 不敢烧, 啥心理?
梅超风说:我赌黑大个儿赢退休的人/Insurance companies/Pension Fund 被害惨了
Whitney Predicts Obama Bank Plan Pass zz这算盘,买美国地产,给三年签证 (转载)
女性ETF:追踪那些女领导人的公司 (转载)pump INTC
话题: apple话题: said话题: he话题: marinovich话题: shares